Radiation | Internal radiation
Member Posts: 5
Had Y-90 in December. Had MRI’s in March and June showing tumor is shrinking. Another scheduled in September.
It is actually my husband that has the colon cancer. He had no symptoms, went in for a routine colonoscopy and came out with stage IV colon cancer. Diagnosed July 2017. He went thru 8 rounds of chemo therapy and then they did surgery and removed about a foot of colon and burned the two small spots on the liver. They removed 32 lymph nodes, 7 cancerous and 6 of those had gone outside of the lymph. They did 5 more rounds of chemo that stopped in May 2018, his June ct scan was clear, yay!! We made plans to have some fun once he recovered from the chemo. His next scan was in September and all plans got canceled, the cancer moved up to his lungs in those 3 months. His is back on chemo, 8 rounds so far this time, it has shrunk the tumors in the lungs a little. My frustration is what now, if it shrinks the tumors completely, how long before it pops up somewhere else. It's hard to watch him go thru the chemo side effects, but he's been a champ. It seems like it's just going to keep on till it gets him, but the doc hasn't told us anything like that. We love his doctor but seems like he could give us some kind of news of what's ahead. Can you tell I am frustrated?0
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