Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Member Posts: 11
Based on my biopsy, I was told that I have DCIS. After my lumpectomy, though, I was told that I have stage 1 invasive ductal carconoma and that I need chemo. That threw me for a loop because I was only expecting radiation.
I went through exactly this too. It's shattering to think you're getting off easy only to discover they didn't get it right the first time and are recommending the full regimen. I think they should wait until the material from the lumpectomy is examined by the lab before they give you expectations. I know I would have preferred that approach. It seems overwhelming when you get this news but once you get started you get into a routine. It's daunting but thousands of women have done this and you can too!0
I had stage 1 and only needed radiation, after lumpectomy, based on Oncotype dx score. It indicated no chemo.
Did you have this test to determine risk of recurrence?
It took several weeks to get results.
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