Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Member Posts: 8
I'm currently on my forth type of chemo. I started with a pill form of xeloda with radiation five days a week for a little over 3 months to shrink tumor for surgical removal of my colorectal tumor.
Then I was forced to go back to work or lose my job as my FMLA benefits were exhausted. I did cryofreeze treatments to keep my rectum open every six months trying to accumulate time off for surgery. A month before surgery and at my next cryofreeze treatment I developed a bowel blockage and had emergency colostomy surgery. Then after recovery I was scheduled for surgery to remove tumor. Just a week before the new oncologist decided the tumor had grown enough to do more chemo. I tried to just push for surgery but the surgeons wouldn't go against the oncologist recommendation. So six months of chemo floFox-6 regimen. It didn't really shrink the tumor much and we proceeded to surgery. Since then I've had flo-fox with erbitux and now flo-furi with avastin.
Then I was forced to go back to work or lose my job as my FMLA benefits were exhausted. I did cryofreeze treatments to keep my rectum open every six months trying to accumulate time off for surgery. A month before surgery and at my next cryofreeze treatment I developed a bowel blockage and had emergency colostomy surgery. Then after recovery I was scheduled for surgery to remove tumor. Just a week before the new oncologist decided the tumor had grown enough to do more chemo. I tried to just push for surgery but the surgeons wouldn't go against the oncologist recommendation. So six months of chemo floFox-6 regimen. It didn't really shrink the tumor much and we proceeded to surgery. Since then I've had flo-fox with erbitux and now flo-furi with avastin.
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- 25 Head & Neck/Throat Cancer
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- 4 Lung Carcinoid Tumor
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- 10 Multiple Myeloma
- 6 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- 17 Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer
- 2 Pancreatic Cancer
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- 1 Rare Cancers
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- 7 Skin Cancer - Melanoma
- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- 3 Stomach Cancer
- 1 Testicular Cancer
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- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer