Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Member Posts: 4
My husband noticed an enlarged lymph node on the right side of his neck in late January. By mid February, after having an ultrasound, CT, and needle biopsy, we received the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. We have since done a PET scan which revealed the tonsils/base of tongue (the most common primary) as the potential source. Unfortunately, at that same time they also discovered that his thyroid is cancerous. To say we’re reeling would be an understatement. This Friday we are going in for the neck dissection, thyroidectomy, scope, and biopsy of tonsil/base of tongue. He’ll have to be in the hospital until at least Sunday, and due to COVID, they won’t allow me to visit him, which is breaking my heart. I have to drop him off at the doors for this major surgery and then pick him up 2 days later. It all seems completely unreal.
Anne, how are you doing? How is your husband doing?0
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