BEP chemo didn’t work! Stem cell transplant or TIP chemo
Member Posts: 1
Hello everyone my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer back in February. He started with a stomach pain and we went to the ER they discovered it was testicular cancer and it was in his lymph nodes and base of lungs so they administered the first round of BEP while he was in the hospital. Then after being hospitalized he did 4 rounds of BEP, everything was going good, the doctor told us his tumor markers went down from 29,000 to 200 so that meant the treatment was working all of the sudden after chemo his tumor markers went up to 400 and then to almost 1000 in a lapse of 2 weeks. His doctor told us his suggestion is for us to try and get a stem cell transplant or do TIP chemotherapy, but he says TIP chemo doesn’t work as much and he didn’t gave us much hope. Is anyone here who went trough the same thing? Thank you so much!
I'm sorry this is happening and hope someone on this site can offer some help.0
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