Go To Tuesday
Member Posts: 763
A go to song that always makes you think of someone in particular? Or one that brings back a specific memory?
Mine is “You Are My Sunshine “ My daddy sang that to me when I was little. He died when I was 15. I sang it to my kids too and still sing it to myself sometimes.0
OMG - Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying" was just released when my husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon cancer and we had to travel a bit for each appointment since we were living in the mountains of VA. I swear that song came on EVERY time we drove anywhere. It still brings me to tears 15 years later.0
Teachertina, that's one of my favorites too. It's always a song of hope. Don't we all long to be someone's sunshine?
Jayne, its amazing how a song can become such a part of your life. The subject matter is spot on for the situation when it played a lot after the release. Sometimes it is good to have a song to take you back to that place, whether it is to remind you of the good memories or to remind you that you have come a long way.
The two songs that remind me of my grandmothers are "I Believe" by Diamond Rio. That one came on right after I got the news that my paternal grandmother had passed away. Whenever I am in a place where I need to feel close to her, I cue that song up on my playlist. "I Just Call You Mine" by Martina McBride reminds me of my maternal grandmother- always my cheerleader and never asking for credit for much of anything. Everyone loved her so much, but I was proud to call her mine.0
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