Go To Tuesday
Member Posts: 763
I don't think I am the Tuesday floater, but I wanted to try to get some conversation going. You don't have to answer all (or any) of these, but just something to think about. Just something to perk up our minds to think of positive things.
I think we have all developed some "go to" activities that we enjoy when we can't get out and about too often. This past year, we have probably expanded that "go to" list a little bit.
What are:
1. Things you do or enjoy that make a bad day good or a good day better?
2. Activities you do that make you feel healthier? Activities that you just enjoy doing?
3. Recipes or foods that seem to be in the frequent rotation for you?
4. Favorite things to wear? That thing you can always pull out of the closet or a drawer and just know it will work.
5. Your go to song that makes you sing along with the radio?
6. Your go to song if you need a good emotional outpouring?
I think we have all developed some "go to" activities that we enjoy when we can't get out and about too often. This past year, we have probably expanded that "go to" list a little bit.
What are:
1. Things you do or enjoy that make a bad day good or a good day better?
2. Activities you do that make you feel healthier? Activities that you just enjoy doing?
3. Recipes or foods that seem to be in the frequent rotation for you?
4. Favorite things to wear? That thing you can always pull out of the closet or a drawer and just know it will work.
5. Your go to song that makes you sing along with the radio?
6. Your go to song if you need a good emotional outpouring?
1, 2 and 3 all involve fishing for me. I love to go fishing in the surf, on a dock or in a boat! A bad day fishing beats a good day doing anything else! There’s nothing like the calm of it and good results make a great supper!0
I'm a reader, a walker, and a dedicated user of my Pilates Reformer. The reformer is great for strength training; I used it extensively to get ready for the knee replacement surgery I had 12 days ago. (I am doing so well that my physical therapist is ready to cut me down to twice a week rather than three.) It idefinitely gives me a feeling of accomplishment so when I need some reinforcement that's where I go.0
I have taken up gardening. There is just something immensely satisfying about eating a salad with ingredients you grew yourself. And the song I have to sing along with is “Smile” by the Sidewalk Prophets. Ask Alexa to play it for you!0
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