Colon cancer question
Member Posts: 36
My mother is having a bowel resection on Monday for a very large fist sized tumor in her lower colon, next to her appendix. She is 83. Any advice? I am her primary caretaker.
This is a major surgery. It will probably take her a while to recover. Be patient with her, yet encourage her to try to sit up and walk if she can. Sitting up and walking help prevent blood clots in the legs - a pretty common complication of a surgery like this. Best wishes.0
Compression stockings can help prevent blood clots. Ask her doctor.0
Ask the medical team for suggestions, as they have probably dealt with something similar. Most facilities have patient and caretaker advisors and advocates who can be a wealth of knowledge.
After any surgery, infection and bleeding are the enemy. Thus, it is crucial to interact with the surgical team regarding any problems and to ensure that her temperature is monitored and meds are given on schedule.0
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