Have you ran into the nutrition problem/side effect of cancer and treatments yet?
Member Posts: 742
In each of my diagnoses, I've lost at least 25 pounds, this time it's only been 25. But it' hard to keep the weight on right now. I'm on a feeding tube so it's hard to squeeze enough into the feeding tube to keep up. Our blog post today has some good information about this, I'll have to go put some of these to use today. Take a look at the article here>> https://bit.ly/2Qj8Id8
In 2014, I had a radical prostatectomy, and I am doing fine today except that sex is a distant memory and incontinence is ever present; I am 81 years old, and these are minor inconveniences. I want to tell you how much I admire your strength and courage to continue fighting against your disabilities and at the same time maintain this very valuable support group. You are an inspiration; thank you for your work.
Henry Jackson0
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