oncotype dx score
Member Posts: 1
I had stage 2, grade 3 breast cancer at age 63.
My oncotype dx score was at 99%.
Does that mean I am likely to have a reoccurance?
My oncotype dx score was at 99%.
Does that mean I am likely to have a reoccurance?
Here are a couple of good references about the meaning of oncotype dx scores:
https://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/oncotype-dx-predicts-late-distant-recurrence0 -
I'd like to add that the most important use of the Oncotype DX is to guide treatment. I, too, had a breast cancer with a Grade of 3 which means the cells were very abnormal and were likely to grow and spread faster. Even though it was early stage, like yours, aggressive chemotherapy and radiation were recommended to reduce the risk of recurrence. So far, the treatment has worked. No recurrence.
On top of that, my cancer was triple negative, which means there is no continuing therapy, like endocrine therapy to further reduce the risk of recurrence. Because of that, I was not eligible for the Oncotype DX test. Just being triple negative (which nearly always has a grade of 3) has a high risk of recurrence.
Don't be discouraged by your score. Just embrace all of the treatment you are offered to reduce the risk of recurrence. My best to you as you undertake your cancer treatment journey.0 -
I agree. Don't get hung up on nunbers. They can lead to all kinds of unneeded stress. Just concentrate on getting through treatment.0
My Oncotype score was in the fifties and I too had a grade 3 tumor. Because of that chemo was a must. It has now been 5 years since the surgery, 41/2 since chemo and rads. I worry about recurrence because of the grade 3 and because I was barely ER+. (They tested the tumor several times and several ways to finally get an ER positive, but Oncotype said that I wasn't ER+ at all. Probably the reason for that high of a score.) I am on Tamoxifen as I couldn't tolerate the AIs and I have an MRI and 3-D mammogram alternating every 6 months. There is probably a greater chance of recurrence than for some, but still the chance of non-recurrence is much greater than the chance of recurrence. I hang onto that when every little breast pain sets off alarm bells in my head.0
Definitely don't get too hung up on the numbers. I got a little obsessed about it for awhile until my oncologist talked to me about the fact that there are so many little factors that go into making that number and he knew I was prone to overthinking. I really do trust my oncologist and he always has a way of making things less scary than I think they are.
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