Have you heard someone say "that's gonna leave a mark", after someone has gotten smacked by somethin
Member Posts: 742
Most of us that have been diagnosed with cancer already have a few marks from it. Either surgery, treatments, or side effects of both leave marks on us. I posted an article about some of the obvious and some not-so-obvious ways that cancer has left marks on me. Here is the link to the article>> https://bit.ly/3iWxUU0
How has cancer left a mark on you?
How has cancer left a mark on you?
My oncologist told me at my first appointment that I would have to have a permanent colostomy. The thought terrified me, but my bigger concern was that I was Stage IV and might not survive. So when it came time for the surgery because my tumor had shrunk and I had gotten SBRT radiation for a lung nodule, I found myself grateful to "qualify" for surgery. I had my surgery performed robotically, and I don't have any scars - it's remarkable how much they can remove and there is not a single visible scar. You are a beacon of hope to everyone.0
Greg, you and Donna are so inspiring to so many of us on this site! You handle whatever comes your way with strength and wisdom. I learn from you every time you post.0
I think cancer's biggest "mark" on me has been mental and emotional. Cancer in the realm of this COVID world is quite an experience. I wonder what it might have been like if COVID hadn't come along just after my mastectomy. It's funny. I think less about that scar than all of the people I miss and all of the things that the COVID world prevents me from doing. We had planned to visit my nieces for end of year dance recitals- nope. I was going with a close friend to a celebration of life for his father- got cancelled. I haven't seen my parents since my surgery. Another close friend's husband passed away. They finally had a small family only celebration of life. That was hard for so many of us because they were a huge part of our life. They owned a restaurant where we had breakfast almost every Saturday for over 10 years. Breakfast out? What's that? Visit with friends? Do I have any left?
I wonder how much less I would obsess over the "marks" if I were able to carry on with life in a world where I could be with people that I enjoy seeing.
I also know I am very lucky to have skated by with my disease requiring so very little treatment or therapy. I am very fortunate that surgery happened just before the world shut down and that they got all of the cancer that they could find at the time. No evidence of any more right now.
I guess because my body was so unaffected and I didn't have to have chemotherapy or radiation, the bodily portion of cancer has not been the biggest "mark."
As far as positive marks, I have met the MOST amazing people on What Next. You all have made a huge mark on my life and I am so glad to have you all. I am sorry this is the way any of us "had to" meet, but I am so glad we all have each other.0
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