Neuropathy. Is there anything I can do or take to help this condition?
Member Posts: 2
Neuropathy. Is there anything I can do or take to help this condition?
Time, exercise and luck. My hands and feet had neuropathy from Vincristine. My hands slowly got better. The feet, not so much. My impression is that the more you use/exercise the affected limbs the more recovery you "might" experience. Sadly, there are no guarantees. I ride bicycle and motorcycle and the constant use of my hands probably helped. Any exercise, whether it be gardening, exercise machine or any other which involves your hands and hand strength is likely to help.0
Gabapentin is the usually prescribed medicine. It works for some and others it does not.0
You might think it an unusual remedy, but I put some Vicks VapoRub ointment on the soles of my feet at night (the one with Lavender essential oil) and it works for me. Apparently, the analgesic numbs and sends a message to my brain, which then makes me not feel the tingling in my feet while I go to sleep. Try it. What can it hurt? Of course, it's a temporary solution for me. Just for sleep.0
My oncology nurse suggested lipoic acid, it did not work for me but it might help you, couldn't hurt. Hopefully you find something to relieve your pain. I am 5 yrs post chemo & still struggle w/neuropathy in my feet & lower legs. Sending good vibes your way0
This is my 3rd year after diagnosis and I take gabapentin. It hasn't helped much, I cannot really feel the balls of my feet or my toes. I have to be very careful when walking not to trip. Rugs are my bain and my wife loves them. I have recovered some of the feeling in my fingertips. At first I could not pick up any small items, small screws, puzzle pcs, etc. and today I can, most days anyways. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never recover the dexterity I once had and have to find work arounds to compensate. I have many hobbies and most require very nimble fingers. I tell myself everyday how lucky I am compared to some, especially all of the many small children who have cancer and haven't had a chance to truly begin their life yet. This is what keeps me going.0
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