Neck & Shoulder pain after Mastectomy
Member Posts: 4
I have a great deal of pain (that comes and goes) in my neck and shoulders, especially the right side. I have made adjustments to how I sit at my desk/computer for work and have begun seeing a chiropractor. It is better, sometimes. Anyone else experience similar issues?
Yep, one of the many possible side effects that they neglect to tell us about. I ended up in Physical therapy. Deep massage, although it hurt like he-- really helped. Swimming! I keep bringing it up but warm water therapy or just simply swimming really helped me stretch out those tight muscles and tendons. Hope you can find some relief.0
I had to do physical therapy, occupational therapy, lymphedema treatment, and massage. My chest has no feeling most of the time but sometimes it tingles and burns. I use lidocaine when that happens. I get pain on my left side where the removed 25 lymph nodes. Some of that is lymphedema related so I then step up my lymphedema exercises or wear my sleeve.
I don’t mean to scare you because it really is manageable and gets less bothersome or intense over time. Mention this to your oncologist and they’ll refer you for therapy. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️
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Sometimes my shoulder gets a little painful on my left side (the mastectomy side) but it's usually nothing I can't get under control with some stretching and little tylenol or motrin if necessary. Before I had my surgery, I was going to a place called Stretch Zone and got regular stretching twice a week so I was reasonably flexible. I did as much modified stretching and exercise as I could. I often use a yoga strap now to try to get some extra stretches in myself. You, of course, need to check with your doctor or therapist to see what will be best for you.0
Thank you for responses. I have seen a physical therapist for lymphedema. We achieved all we could there and concluded the treatments. I do my exercises. I’ve not worn the sleeve a lot recently. I tend to “list” to one side! Right shoulder is higher. Thus the pain in the right neck and shoulder area. This is my greatest pain or frustration!
gpgirl70, you did not scare me! Or offer too much detail. I’ve come to realize I have a new normal. The numbness and tingling may be with me forever. I had high hopes of beating it back with exercise and massage. I can lessen it, but not make is completely go away. At least not yet. Surgery was 11 months ago. Chemo ended Jan. 20, 2020. Maybe my body needs more time. Maybe this is as good as it gets! Time will tell.
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