Member Posts: 2
wondering if anyone has had experience with the side effects of taking tagrisso? do the side effects become less over time?
I can't tell you about that drug, I just started on Keytruda last week. I am not feeling any side effects that I can attribute to the drug yet. I am feeling a little tired late in the day, but I was feeling that before I started the treatment last week. I'm on a clinical trial with Keytruda and an experimental drug known at this time as ADU-S100 I hope you do well with it.
How long have you been on it, and are you feeling side effects yet?0 -
I have not had the drug either, but I wanted to wish you well. I hope your immunotherapy does well for you. It's shaping up to be one of the biggest improvements in cancer treatment in years.0
Sorry for you diagnosis. My Mom, 77 years old, has stage IV non small cell lung cancer with an EGFR mutation. She has been on Tagrisso for almost a year and a half and is doing extremely well. She occasionally has side effects but they are manageable through diet, acupuncture, meditation, supplements and medication when needed. Tagrisso has given her a very good quality of life.0
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