Myelin Sheath damage
Member Posts: 4
Has anyone suffered from myelin sheath damage from 5-fu chemo protocol? If so, what was treatment options?
Sorr to hear of this. Have you received any treatment prior to the 5FU? It is not generally known for neuropathy.0
No, I didn't receive anything prior to 5 fu w/oxaliplatin. I am post 5 yrs but recently started getting head tremors and my GP thinks it's nerve damage, had an MRI last Friday & an appt. with neurologist in cpl weeks. MRI report says demyelinating disease such as MS & in my research I found that 5 fu could cause damage to myelin sheath in CNS so I was just curious if anyone had been diagnosed w/CNS damage such as this...0
So it sounds like a late effect. The neurologist you will see may be excellent, but I would do a little research and seek out the best in your area. In any event, causation may or may not be the 5FU, but you need the best and brightest diagnosing and treating you - not that you do not already, that is. Interesting timing as I am investigating the use of topical 5FU for some transplant-related keratoses that I have developed. I hope that you can get some relief!0
Thank you po18guy. I hope you find the answers you are seeking as well. Good luck0
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