You Can't Put a Price On A Life - This Just In.....Yes You Can
Member Posts: 742
In my case, the costs are approaching 500k since the first of the year, 2020 up to June 2020. And the costs continue to rise. My blog post today is about the continuing rising costs of healthcare. Take a look at the article here>>
I agree that reading medical bills is like reading a cartoon. It's like it's not even real.0
12 years of various treatments, including stem cell transplant - probably 3-4 million dollars. Waking up each morning with the will to survive: priceless.0
Oh my goodness Greg. That's a LOT of money and a lot of concerns to have over such money. But it sounds like you have great research possibilities to help keep you going. When I see and hear what people have to pay for insurance and for treatments, I thank my lucky stars that my husband put his life on the line to defend our country and that I benefit from that healthcare insurance coverage that we get to keep since he retired.
What I have is the closet thing to a national healthcare plan. Having what I have convinces me that some sort of plan like that is probably the right way to go. I won't dare tell you what I have paid out of pocket for my treatment so far this year. It is not zero, but it's pretty laughable.
The other part that is so hard to understand is what they "bill" versus what is "allowed" and what is written off/adjusted until you get to what you pay. It is absurd. I don't know why we can't just have things simplified. Like if an aspirin costs $1 then charge $1 or charge $2. but not $50 and then have it adjusted back down to $1.
Yes, you can definitely put a price on life. You are so right.
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