metastatic to brain
Member Posts: 1
Probably one of the most famous examples of this is Jimmy Carter. The former president had metastatic melanoma with meets to lungs and the brain. He was put on Keytruda which cleaned him out in around 6 months.
Your cancer is different, just like mine is, but there are drugs to treat it if your cancer meets the requirements. I am in the process of getting on Keytruda for my head and neck cancer.0 -
Excellent advice Greg. My advice moving forward would be to check for clinical trials in addition to, or in place of Keytruda if it is not effective. That may involve some travel to an NCI comprehensive cancer center, but I can attest that the cost in time and travel is well worth it.0
Immuntotherapy is the newest and in some cases most effective type of treatment there is, for some cancers. If everything fits, it's great.0
The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation has links to clinical trials for metastatic tnbc. Here's the page from the TNBC Foundation:
My very best to you in finding an effective treatment.0
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