Member Posts: 1
If you are in treatment, whatever you can get down and keep down. Post-treatment, whatever doctor/nutritionist recommends for healing and recovery. If you cannot eat due to lack of appetite, there are prescriptions, notably Marinol, which jump-start your appetite.0
I love it! Most of it anyway, some more than others, some not so much at all. But ditto on what PO guy says. I've been through it a few times and each time I find things that I can eat and I go to those. At this point, it doesn't make any difference what it is, if you can get it down, eat it. Eat in small amounts as often as you can stand it. You can also get some calories by liquid variety. Milshakes, soda, nutritional shakes, etc. Again, whatever you can get down. I don't worry about if it's "good for me" or not after I've lost 50#, I just want something in me.
By the way, on your question, I know what happened, you typed in the word Food as the title to your question and hit the enter button to go to the next part of the question. When you do that they system will post what you wrote in the top line and thinks that you're done.
Type the title line to your question, then hit the tab button, type in the main part of the question with all the details, then click on the ask the community button to post your question.
We hope you're doing well. We are all doing a lot of assumption on your question.0
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