
Labrooksie Member Posts: 6
edited 2020 22 in General Cancer
I have a lot of Ostomy supplies I can’t use. Paste, those ring things, stoma powder, etc. is there an organization I can donate them to rather than throwing away?


  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    Thank you for offering to help others. Why do you not use them anymore? Did you have a reversal?
  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    edited 2020 22
    Maybe try a nursing home in your area. I had a lot of things leftover but couldn't find any place to take them to. A reversal is great. I remember after the surgery reaching down my side and being relieved that it was gone.
  • Labrooksie
    Labrooksie Member Posts: 6
    edited 2020 22
    I haven’t had my reversal yet. But these are things I don’t use and hate to see them just sitting there when they can maybe help someone else. Hopefully my trip to reversal will start in 6 weeks!
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 22
    I donated my surplus supplies to a War Veterans Home. They were grateful to get them as quite a few of their patients had ostomies from being wounded.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 22
    Someone can surely use them. I was getting low on HME stoma filters for my laryngectomee stoma and posted on a site for laryngectomees and someone offered to send me a couple of boxes until I could get my order.
    I really appreciated the help.