Does anyone have any experience with fasting before chemo?
Member Posts: 11
Does fasting before chemo make it more effective?
I didn't try it, but from what I understand, it may minimize side effects of nauseau and vomiting.0
i never fasted before chemo treatments. in fact i'd eat a good breakfast, or lunch, depending on time of chemo. but each person is differant
i always had something to drink while at chemo,. some places will provide snacks or drinks for you,, some do not. check with them before you go,, to be prepared. My treatments would last a while,, and i did get hungry,,
Good Luck,, God Bless,
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Hmmm? Never heard of that. I was kinda told the opposite. Since you may have difficulty eating anything in the days following a chemo treatment, make sure you eat, nutritionally, before to help your body get through it. And, yes, my center did provide drinks and snacks and it you happened to be there mid-day, which I was, they brought you lunch and encouraged you to try to eat it.0
I was not good this. But most times, I couldn't eat much because I was not feeling good for most of the chemo sessions. I was told to bring food and drinks with me. But I could not handle too much food at the time.0
I did not either. I know there had been a few small studies with good results, but I think the most recent one was reported on after I finished chemo. What does your doctor say? It is an interesting concept.
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Yes, I fasted before chemo. I would do a water-only fast for 48 hours before and for 12 hours after. I would do it again! One never really knows what the effect of one action is, so I am not going to get too lavish in praising it, but I believe it helped me. I handled chemo pretty well. My Oncologist added 3 extra sessions because he thought I was handling it so well. Only threw up 5 or six times, did lose me hair and several toe nails. Continued my teaching job the entire time I was in treatment. Google Dr. Valter Longo fasting for chemo to see some studies and anecdotal reports.0
Thanks everyone for your comments. I asked my oncologist about it and she isn't a fan. She said that an empty stomach could make the side effects worse. She also said that there is a study going on now at UCLA and of 3 patients thus far, one had a harder time with fasting. She said it's best to have small meals and focus on hydration.0
I know everyone responds differently but I think it's interesting that raven mentions she "only threw up 5 or 6 times" while practicing fasting. I forced myself to eat even when I really didn't want to because that is what my doctor told me I had to do keep my strength up. I never threw up once but may be that's just me.0
Glad your Dr encouraged you to eat. Personally, I tried to eat something like oatmeal or a yogurt before chemo. I would have very, very ill during a long 8 hr infusion day with nothing in my stomach.
I was nauseous a lot...had several meds on board to fight that - but I never threw up. Chemo's success is not going to be inhanced by an empty stomach!0
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