Was anyone following the Eddie Money show last year up to the point when he died?
Member Posts: 10
The album he was working on is now being released:
Release Announced: Album from Rocker Eddie Money, lost to Esophageal Cancer last September. First New Songs from Money since 1999, originally planned for release last summer.
Release Announced: Album from Rocker Eddie Money, lost to Esophageal Cancer last September. First New Songs from Money since 1999, originally planned for release last summer.
I got a kick out of that show and it was tragic and bittersweet how it all ended up. Showed how quickly "the beast" can overwhelm . And how it effects not only the person diagnosed but their family and all those around them. I think it was good that they let that last season play out and show people how cancer can devastate a family. I'll look into that album0
I've always liked him. I enjoyed the show too. Donna and I never missed it. I was surprised when he went to the doctor on the show and they told him it was cancer. I also appreciate that they continued on with the show and shined a light on what it's like to be fighting it off. I hate that it got him though.0
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