What causes anal cancer?
Member Posts: 13
what causes anal cancer and what are the early symptoms of this cancer?
My sister had anal cancer 20 yrs ago and her only sx was pain. She thought she had hemorrhoids. She was told it is a form of skin cancer. I know someone who is a PA for a surgeon and once told me the thinking is they are seeing more anal cancer secondary to people using tanning beds. In reading about the BRCA1 mutation, there appears to be an association not only with breast and ovarian cancer, but also cervical, thyroid, esophageal and anal cancers.0
I'm sure it's like so many other cancers that if they knew exactly what causes any type of cancer they would develop a way to keep it from happening.0
I am an oncology nurse and @Dawsonsmom is correct in that it could derive from squamous cell carcinoma but the most common cause is the human papillomavirus. Best of luck to you.0 -
Over 90% of ALL anal cancers are caused by the rampant STDX, HPV, which hast many different strains, many asymptomatic. This STD is rampant; epidemic in number, and hence, so are the horid cancers that it causes, among them: cancers of the vulva; penis, cervix, head/neck, anus, labia, etc.
VACCINATE your children! Please look into this most crucial matter. As a co-facilitator of a very large anal cancer support group, we are shocked to see the explosions in HPV-caused cancers.
Academic studies also suggest that post-treatment for anal cancer, getting the HPV vaccine (a series of three injections for older adults) can discourage recurrence. Many of our group members, including me, have gotten the vaccine. SHOP for prices. There is no limit to the greed of certain medical establishments. My first injection I was charged $538. For ONE injection. Being familiar with national average prices, I refused to pay, and won my claim. I then found a county clinic where I received the other two injections for $15 (fifteen) dollars each.0
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