Did anyone have to repeatedly tell your doctor that something was wrong?
Member Posts: 72
I was told several times that nothing was wrong. Physical exam, chest Xray, cat scan, and was told each time nothing is wrong, nothing looks out of place. I had another doctor look at CT scan and they wanted a biopsy of something that was seen on the scan. That confirmed it.
If I had not been persistent the cancer would have grown out of control by the time something was finally done.
If I had not been persistent the cancer would have grown out of control by the time something was finally done.
Found a tumor. Went to PCP. Told doctor of family history of cancer (60% of dad's side, including dad). Got anxiety meds. Asked for extra blood tests after symptoms worsened - no real answer. Went to surgeon and had lymph node removed. From there to oncologist who did bone marrow biopsy. "Abnormal cells" the pathologist said, to the oncologist wanted to wait. I 'knew" it was cancer. Some things you just know. Actually it was stage IV non-Hodgkin's T-Cell Lymphoma. Went to Fred Hutch/SCCA, received a true diagnosis. It was like an episode of Twilight zone at the start: "But, I really do have cancer!!!"0
My PCP told me that my rectal bleeding was "probably hemorrhoids." I told him that probably wasn't good enough and asked to be referred to a board-certified colorectal surgeon. My PCP then told me that this doctor probably would accept me as a patient because I didn't have a history of cancer. I insisted and said, "Let him decide whether he'll take me as a patient."
I was Stage IV at diagnosis. Had I not been insistent, I probably wouldn't be her today.0 -
I went to the doctor with symptoms indicating possible cold/flu/pneumonia, plus I was coughing up some small amount of blood. He ordered a chest X-ray which showed pneumonia. Antibiotics for 7 days, back to the doctor, another X-ray. He said there's still a bit of pneumonia in there but the antibiotics are working, go home & you'll be fine ~ meanwhile I'm still coughing up blood. Then a few days later it was a small piece of raw hamburger. I said no, this ain't right. Went to another doctor who did a chest X-ray & saw a shadow she didn't like so she ordered a CAT scan. As it turned out the tumor was quite close to the aorta and esophagus and could have attached to one or the other if it hadn't been found when it was. If it had attached to the aorta I may not have survived surgery and if it had attached to the esophagus I would have survived only to wish I hadn't. I've known a few people over the years who trusted their doctor until it was too late ~ I have attended far too many funerals.0
Doctor's are not infallible, although I think some have come to believe they are. And, they work for us not the other way around. If you think you're not getting the answers you need advocate for yourself or seek another opinion from another doctor. I had an issue last year. Even though the radiologist said my mammogram was "clear" I just had a sense that something was not right. I kept bringing it up until they agreed to do an ultrasound . Turns out there was an issue requiring another surgery. Fortunately labs came back negative for cancer but it could just as easily have been otherwise.0
Hi there,
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You have done a great job of getting a second opinion. Btw what kind of lung cancer is it(SCLC or NSCLC) and on which stage is it?
I hope you can start your treatment soon and can get better as well.
Best of luck!0 -
Yes, First time around my husband was participating in a program for long term smokers. They watched him and when it reached 1cm, they sent him to a surgeon who removed his RLL and some lymph nodes which were clear. He was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine SCLC and told he was cured. His 6 month post op scan showed a shadow that the radiologist said warranted further investigation. The surgeon said it was just post op artifacts and we trusted him. A couple of months later, hubby developed a persistent cough He went to his PCP who knew his history but diagnosed him with allergies and gave him an inhaler. Then he started having chest pain and went to his cardiologist who scheduled a angiogram since he's had a prior MI and CVA. Then hubby noticed the pain was with swallowing so back to cardiologist who sent him for an X-ray. He was immediately sent upstairs to the pulmonologist who got to tell him that he had a tumor in his RUL that was 4x9 cm and pushing on his esophagus. There were flurry of visits and an bronchoscopy to determine type. It was wrapped around his pulmonary artery, pushing on his esophagus and very close to his heart. They deemed it inoperable but treatable and sent him to his oncologist. I wish we had gotten second opinions at the 6 month mark and after this second diagnosis. We live so close to NYC with so many great hospitals but hubby didn't want to go. He had chemo and rad and he's still here. He was set for his 5 year PET in March but this virus had other ideas. Eventually we'll get there and I expect it to be clear.0
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