I've developed a case of the never ending hiccups!
Member Posts: 52
I've searched a little and apparently, it's a side effect of chemo. Have any of you ever had this happen? What will stop them?
Hello, I am an oncology nurse and intractable hiccups can certainly be an issue, and is something that needs to be addressed. Normal treatment is either Baclofen, Reglan, or Haldol. Of course, there are old remedies like pulling on the tongue or sucking on a lemon. One that actually has worked most often in my experience is taking a glass of water, wet the rim of the glass and spread a layer of a paper napkin over the glass so that it sticks to the rim. Then drink the water thru the napkin until you empty the glass..something about the fibers of the napkin seems to help some people. Either way, you need to contact your MD to get a prescription. You have to remember that everytime you hiccup or sneeze, you actually reset the rhythm of your heart. Repeated hiccups can lead to an irregular rhythm. It is an issue with some chemotherapeutic agents. Best of luck to you.0
I had very bad hiccups from chemo
Only thing that worked, and worked well was chlorpromazine 25 mg. Other meds did not work for me at all.
Ask your dr.0 -
I had neverending hiccups also. All the trade medicines didn’t work for me. The doctor put me on Marinol , synthetic marijuana for my appetite. The great side effect was my nausea and hiccups disappeared. It can’t hurt to ask. I know how tiring it can be.0
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