I see a lot of discussion about trying to build your immune system to prevent contracting the virus
Member Posts: 742
Are you taking vitamins or eating anything that is supposed to boost your immune system?
I was just reading something that explained there is no such thing as making your immune system stronger. It is what it is. However! The best way to keep your immune system working to it's fullest capacity is to stay healthy as possible, eat healthy, exercise. And stay away from anyone who may be sick.0
To the best of my knowledge, there is known way to boost our immune systems.
If a patients becomes neutropenic (critically low neutrophil count - our infection fighting white cells), they will give you a Neulasta shot after your next chemo, but you have to wait for your white cells to recover on their own. They will usually recover with a week.0 -
I now have a more effective immune system than I was born with. How? My immune system was killed and replaced with that of another person. After two relapses and three cancers, a substantially different immune system may have been the only possible solution. While that transplanted immune system has killed all traces of cancer, it comes at a high price: it also wants to kill me! We have defeated the beast by loosing a monster. So, we suppress that new system, hoping to come to peace with one another.0
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