Letrozole side effects
Member Posts: 1
Has anyone have bad jaw pain? Thank you
I took letrozole for a grand total of three weeks! I quit it because of severe stomach pain (I have since been diagnosed with stomach ulcers. I don't think the letrozole caused them but I do think it aggravated them.) I also developed pain in my groin which I then read is a possible side effect. But, no jaw pain. Then again, I only stayed on it 3 weeks.0
I was on Letrozole for 1 1/2 years with no side effects. If you are taking XGEVA that can cause jaw pain which could indicate necrosis of the jaw. I had immediate pain when I started Afinitor. I went thru 12 days of hell and at first they thought it might be necrosis of jaw from XGEVA however after an MRI of the jaw it was determined I didn't have necrosis of the jaw. Once I was off the Afinitor the excruciating pain subsided immediately. I hope that you no longer are suffering with the jaw pain. Stay healthy and safe at a time like this. It sounds odd to stay healthy when we have cancer but we don't need another battle to fight. Take ❤0
Hi there, Have you discussed with your doctor regarding your jaw pain? Maybe he can give you some pain killer medication to deal with the pain.
Common side-effects of Letrozole may include:
- hot flashes, warmth or redness in your face or chest;
- headache, dizziness, weakness;
- bone pain, muscle or joint pain;
- swelling, weight gain;
- increased sweating; or
- increased cholesterol in your blood
If you've these symptoms for a long time then contact with your doctor asap and get checked immediately.
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Hello, I am an oncology nurse and I hope this will help answer your question https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3529782/. Best of luck to you.0
I was on Letrozole for 5 years. It caused bone pain in legs and hands and back. Not specificly in jaw, but bone. I am over one year past Letrozole. I feel better, but there are long term changes.0
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