What type of procedure or surgery/treatment have you had canceled because of this virus?
Member Posts: 6
I am back in treatment for a relapse and need a biopsy and possibly a portion of my lung taken out. I am being treated at a large facility that is almost closed. There are arguments going on about what is considered "elective".
Surgery to install a TEP in my throat to allow me to talk. Talking is elective apparently.0
I am so sorry that your surgery is being delayed, Greg. As a retired speech-language pathologist, it is heartbreaking to see the ability to speak more easily delayed.0
Instead of cancelling, they actually rolled several surgeries into one day for us. My husband will be having a unilateral neck dissection, thyroidectomy, multiple scopes and biopsies all done at the end of the week instead of the tonsillectomy that was originally planned. He will have to spend at least 2 nights in the hospital, and because of COVID they are not allowing any visitors- which means I have to drop him off and pick him up afterwards. I won’t be there when he wakes up from his 6 hour surgery, I can’t be there to hold his hand if and when he needs it, I just literally cannot be there for him. I do have faith in the doctors and nurses who will be taking care of him, but it is going to be difficult not to be able to see him or talk to him. This is the first of his surgeries, and we’re both pretty scared and having to deal with COVID and its affects at the same time is definitely not helping.0
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