What does your treatment facility look like during all of this?
Member Posts: 72
I went in for treatment yesterday and was shocked at how the place reminded me of one of those movies where the whole world is dying off due to some disease. I guess life is imitating art in this case. A checkpoint to get inside the facility at the front door, followed by a trip down a hallway. Everyone is wearing full PPE. Before going into the clinic where the treatments are given it's another checkpoint, temperature check, and more questions. If the temp is OK you can enter. Cancer is scary enough, now we have to worry about surviving the trip to get to the place that is trying to kill the cancer.
It is definitely better for them to be proactive on your behalf to protect you. But it's a scary experience.0
I was told that next week all treatments may be canceled.0
I work at a small cancer center. We are no longer allowing family/visitors in the office. We have told the patients if they are feeling sick, to stay home. If there are ANY new symptoms, call us before they come in. As therapists, we are wearing masks and gloves and have to take our temperatures at the beginning and end of the day. Most of our patients are wearing masks as well. We clean as often as we can the waiting rooms and common areas. The main difference I have notices is a change in the atmosphere. It's like everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. I imagine it is immensely stressful for patients. But as of now, we are not planning on closing. We try to keep things light and make sure our patients have the necessities like toilet paper and food. It is a very stressful time.0
At each entry, there are two TSA agents stationed to screen patients.
Treatment Security Agency.0 -
My husband has surgery scheduled for the end of this week and the hospital has a strict no visitor policy now, so I won’t even be allowed to enter the facility to assess the level of anxiety there! It’s strictly drop off and pick up duty for me, as though I’m sending him off for a play date and not for major inpatient surgery. These are crazy times.0
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