Lung cancer and the military
Member Posts: 196
There was an interesting article in the Columbus Dispatch today about a young man fighting lung cancer. He was deployed to the Middle East and worked the burn pits. A healthy young soldier develops stage IV lung cancer.
PS -- to all members of our community who served, thank you for your service.0
I have seen several health issues that soldiers are facing after returning. My brother-in-law has a partial disability on several health problems. Cancer isn't one of them, luckily.0
Yes, I live near a large military base and these young guys are coming home with a whole host of medical & psychological problems. So very tragic.0
I correct myself, these young people, not just young guys.0
Firefighters here in the US are considered high-risk for lung cancer with screening recommendations now recommended for them. The burn pit is obviously like being a firefighter, and these soldiers should get protection gear and recommended screenings since they are at high risk for lung cancer.0
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