Anyone dx with dementia after chemo or stem cell transplant?

Guitarman Member Posts: 6
edited 2022 09 in General Discussion
Anyone dx with dementia after chemo or stem cell transplant?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 29
    Have had extensive chemo (15 drugs in 7 regimens), plus total body irradiation and 10X chemo dosing in transplant prep. Am I the same as before? No - that is rather impossible. However, I am wondering why you ask? Bear in mind that how one is prepared for, or deals with, the diagnosis and treatment; how one deals with the possibility of death, has a great influence on psychological outcome. "Chemo brain", "chemo fog" and other effects are being increasingly understood as one aspect of PTSD.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2021 27
    I know chemo brain can sometimes make you think you have dementia. Is this a genuine diagnosis? Brain function was really foggy for me after chemo/ radiation. I started doing puzzles (word or picture search, jigsaw, crossword, even arithmetic problems) to force my brain to focus. It was difficult at first but continues to improve.
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited 2021 26
    My chemo brain comes out as aphasia. I can remember stupid words like aphasia, but I'll struggle to remember the word for that pointy thing you eat with. Oh, you know. Fork, that's it. And that's exactly what it feels like to me...
  • Guitarman
    Guitarman Member Posts: 6
    Have been dx with levy body dementia by neurologist, after much testing and scans. My oncologist informed, unsure if caused by cancer treatment. Told only handful have had this happen if is caused by tx. My oncologist is at Roswell Pardk Cancer Inst.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    Yikes! I had never heard of this. Thank you for bringing it to our attention but I am so sorry you now have to face this diagnosis on top of everything else. Is there any treatment for the condition?
  • Guitarman
    Guitarman Member Posts: 6
    edited 2020 30
    Only meds to try and slow down disease. Cannot drive any longer or be independent. Thankful for family who love and support me.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    Oh, man. Tough to swallow. Thankfully you have family who supports you. Wth this * "%-" "% disease we just never know what's going to get dumped on us next. So sorry.