financial assistance for meds and medicare
Member Posts: 1
financial assistance for meds and medicare
We just had a blog post with many sources of financial aid for cancer patients. Here's the link:
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Here is a blog post we published a couple of weeks ago about financial aid resources
More articles listed below:
Getting financial help with drug costs>>
Dealing With The Financial Burden of Cancer >>
20 Cancer Resources Part I>>
20 Cancer Resources ParII >>
Also take a look at our page on resources for cancer patients here>> Resources For Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Family
Others here may have their own lists to add to this. I hope you find something that will help you.
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LLS helps with co-pays and insurance premiums.
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These are good resources. Thank you for posting this.0
Cancer Institude that treated me had financial help according to income. Visit billing office for info. Very helpful to me. Scary time worrying about health and finances on top of that. Best wishes.0
Hope you were able to find financial assistance. LLS (lymphoma & leukemia Society), CancerCare, PAN Foundation, potentially your state has a plan that can help cover some of your financial health/drug costs. Most are based on household income (your gross income from income taxes is a good # - but also including other income). The percentages can be pretty high. Avg. is $75,000 single and around $150,000-ish for at least 2. And, depending upon your treatment plan, you could contact manufacturers of drugs you may be taking. Those are not insurance, but essentially full drug grants. You have to apply every year, but worth the time if it helps your financial situation. I got lucky for mine, LLS has helped, State has a senior plan to cover drug costs (I am single and essentially 'poor' enough for this) and 'other' foundation help keep me on my drug. I do try to 'give back' as I can to foundations that have been helping me thru the journey.0
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