Adrenal insufficiency

Bwp Member Posts: 3
edited 2022 08 in Adrenal Cortical Cancer
What should I be concerned about with adrenal crisis


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 20
    In extreme, untreated cases, it can be fatal. However, if you are here and asking questions, you are very far from that point. Good! The point being to treat it before arriving at such a condition. Doctor notified you of the condition, so that much is a healthy sign. One type of adrenal insufficiency is called Addison's Disease. I do not know if that is the type you have, but generally speaking it is a lack of certain hormones and cortisol.

    Cortisol I know about, as an excess of it creates the puffiness that is associated with steroid use. I have been on high-dose steroids as immune supression for 4 1/2 years and have cortisol to spare! So, a shortage of cortisol, simply put may be treated with steroids. But, hormone replacement is also needed, and that requires some thought on doctor's part.

    So, make that appointment with doctor and find out what his or her plan is. In my mind, it will take some dose adjustment before you are back to your perky self (assuming here!), but bear with both doctor and treatment and you an put this worry behind you.
  • 2943
    2943 Member Posts: 94
    edited 2020 20
    I would not be overly concerned. I had an adrenal gland removed with a cancerous kidney and have had no issues. Let the miracle of modern medicine do great things for you. Let us know after you have seen your doc. Hugs!
  • Bwp
    Bwp Member Posts: 3
    edited 2020 20
    Thank you both for your answers. I and my family have been worring about this issue since my episode the other night. I knew little about the adrenal gland. I was waiting to ask the dr. Till I had my list of questions. I will be trying to talk to dr. first thing tomorrow. Thank you again for your time. Barbara