After partial lobectomy for Adenocarcinoma Stage 1A, 13 months ago experiencing discomfort
Member Posts: 9
13 months ago I had upper left upper lobe removed. Now after 13 months I am experiencing discomfort around the area, waking me up at night and uncomfortable when I cough. Is this normal? Also experiencing upper back ache.
I developed areas of pain after the years started going by, it seems like every year brings a new spot that hurts. In my case, it was scar tissue and radiation damage. I usually bring it up with my doctor when I went in for a checkup or at least I will send a message to her office or call to see if I need to come in.0
How frequently do you cough? If the cough is not a virus, it may have a cause such as inflammation which needs to be investigated. I would make an appointment.0
I do have a cough and it is not a virus, they ruled that out. Make an appointment with who pulmonologist or GP?0
Oncologist, I would say. They have the most experience with post-operative lung disease and may be able to put your mind at ease. If they want you to see some other specialist first, they will let you know.0
I have never seen an Oncologist I had surgery and treatment by pulmonologist and surgeon only.0
OK, then begin with the pulmonologist. Just in case - and nothing more than that - I would recommend that you search out an excellent nationally-known pulmonary oncologist. A little insurance policy, and a consult might be good, as they would undoubtedly have much experience and advice which could help you. You want to know - you need to know, so as to put your mind at ease.0
I have been thinking about going to Sloan for a second opinion. I am waiting for my Drs office to call me back that things are getting worse.0
po18guy Thank you I have never heard of a pulmonary oncologist, I will look into that.0
I would go to Sloan (Kettering) without a doubt. With the prevalence of lung cancer (in the top 4), they assuredly have some of the world's finest specialists. A second, even third set of eyes on your case cannot hurt. It was a second opinion at a major cancer research facility that saved my life four times now.0
The surgeon in the pulmonologist office I go to did my surgery and he came from and studies at Sloan Kettering, so I feel fortunate to have them in my area. I did mention once to the pulmonologist about going to sloan Kettering and he said he would be the first one to refer me if needed.0
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