Does the new year inspire you to get a better attitude about fighting your cancer?

BobsProstate Member Posts: 56
edited 2020 03 in General Cancer
It's easy to let this crap beat you down to the point that you want to give in, but the new year came just in time. I find I have a new resolve to dig in and get my attitude pumped up to ride this thing out to the end of treatments. I hope all of you get a boost too. It's a good time to make a pact with yourself that you won't let it get you down!


  • MyLungCancer
    MyLungCancer Member Posts: 72
    edited 2020 02
    I do get fired up after having just a few days off from treatments. So the new year really doesnt mean anything.
  • Skyemberr
    Skyemberr Member Posts: 4
    edited 2020 03
    I get fired up by my determination to kick this thing in the rear, but I also dread starting up with the chemo again since I still haven't bounced back yet even with all of the break time the doctor gave me over the last couple of months. I think the key is to just jump in and do it since the chemo is working.