

  • Bug
    Hi, TiffanyJ. I haven't seen a post from you in a long time and just wanted to check in and say Hi. I hope you are doing well.
    November 2018
  • Jenann
    Hi Tiffany, I must have missed that your post was from 2014. My vision has been a little blurry recently so I apologize.
    How are you doing now days? Do you have any long term side effects from surgery or chemo? I hope you are doing well!

    I’m doing 4 treatments of the stronger chemo every 2 weeks, then I’ll do 12 weeks of the weaker chemo 1 time a week. So a total of 5 months. It was rough after 1st treatment, I got really dizzy, constipated. Both resolved but the dizziness was the worst, very debilitating! I got nuelasta which was fine but got a booster shot of that and it gave me such bad back pain I was in tears. Today it’s better so far.

    Thank you for replying, it means a great deal to be able to talk with others and learn from them to. Again I hope you are well. Have a beautiful day!

    July 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, TiffanyJ. I saw that you responded to a question today. I just wanted to say that it's nice to hear from you again. :-)
    March 2017
  • BoiseB
    I noticed on your post to the Question Do you agree despite all the side effects and problems inherited through cancer, that life after cancer can be great? You said you have been out of active treatment for some time. I want to thank you for staying here on WhatNext and for your contributions to the group,
    March 2017
  • peachpoppy
    Just checking in to say hi! I haven't been on the site in some time. Your hair looks fabulous. Hope all is well.
    January 2015
  • Bug
    Hi, TiffanyJ. How are you doing these days? I'm thinking of you.
    August 2014
  • ivyJ
    I wrote this when I enter stage 4 cancer in my peritoneum.
    By Ivory Jackson

    Help me my Lord, what should I do?
    I’ll now let go and now let you,
    Guide me oh Lord and heal my soul
    from heavy heart with painful goal.
    I called you boldly not in shame.
    Where were you Lord?
    when I prayed and prayed?
    I prayed to you for so many a days.

    Did you not see me dance* for you,
    while silently singing a song or two?
    My hands held high to give you praise
    Come help your child, end earthly days.
    I’m crying out, what more to do?
    With solemn faith I’ve waited for you.

    He then spoke softly in my ear
    So sweet, so kind, I had no fear
    “My child you are able to think and write,
    I have been with you both day and night,
    I will act in due time, keep your faithful stand,
    It’s MY will be done for I Am That I Am.”

    dance* = Holy Ghost Dancing

    By I. Jackson

    I've written many poems. My mother influenced me by reading poems to me weekly when I was a child. She read from the old poets that usually rhymed instead of free verse. I knew Houseman, Poe, Browning, Longfellow, etc., before I was eleven. I love poetry, especially the lilt of the rhyme.
    July 2014
  • Teachergirl
    LOVE the new hair look! Mine is coming in thick and wavy and have actually had a trim already! You look beautiful! Hope you are feeling well!
    April 2014
  • cloverlady4
    Hi TiffanyJ, I haven't been on the site in a while. I love your hair pic! Mine is growing a bit, too, but there is a lot of gray. I don't really care about the color right now just as long as it grows back. Anyway, catch you later.....:)
    March 2014
  • PegC01
    Hi Tiffany, Wanting to wish you a Merry Christmas...Rad's will be easy for you.....It was a breeze for me. We had the Diagnosis......It will be all Good....Put your Faith in God and take care of yourself.....
    December 2013
  • peachpoppy
    Hi TiffanyJ - how's the Taxol treating you? You must be nearly finished.

    I'm 3 weeks finished and my eyes are still crying. Hoping it will stop soon. Are you still having this?
    December 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, TiffanyJ. I just thought I'd check in and say "Hi". I haven't been around much lately due to work and being sick (nasty flu/cold thing) but am back a bit now and wanted to check in. Hope you are doing okay.
    December 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Hi Tiffany, stopping to see how you are doing. Hope you are doing well. Cyndy
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi TiffanyJ, checking in to see how you are handling the taxotere. I am off for round 5 of 6 today. So far, so good.(knock on wood) Not boucing back quite so good now. Very tired but otherwise doing OK. Hope you are OK and I'll catch you later....:)
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi TiffanyJ, just wondering how your chemo went. Hope you are doing well.......:)
    November 2013
  • cllinda
    You were concerned about radiation. When I was starting, someone told me to really use the cream they give you. She told me her mom applied it more than the nurses had told her and it stopped her from too many after effects. So I put the cream on at least 3-4 times a day during treatment. And I only ended up with two small burns that healed up in a week. I was allowed to go swimming one week after my last radiation treatment. At the most, my breast looked a little pink, like it was out in the sun, but nothing like I have seen from other women. And if you start to get burned, ask for the Special Care Cream. It really is good to use, doesn't have strong scents and disappears quickly into the skin.

    Some things to think about:

    No deodorant or creams before treatment. I carried a larger purse and put the deodorant and the cream in it and when I got changed, I put it on after the radiation.

    The creams are all available through your doctor's office. Be sure to ask and get a big supply of them. And they are free.

    If you are having problems, don't wait. Tell them right away. And they do have prescriptions for medication if you need it.

    Couldn't swim during treatment. The cholorine can hurt the skin.
    Showers every day with very gentle soap, like baby soap is advised. I think I used Target brand baby hair and body wash during this time. It was about $3 compared to $6 for Johnsons.

    I hope this helped and you can always contact me if you need to.

    November 2013
  • HearMeRoar
    Lookin' super sassy in that hat missy! I hope all is well with you!
    October 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Hi Tiffany, checking in to see how you are doing. Hope you are doing well. Cyndy
    October 2013
  • Gabba
    Just stopping by to say hello and hope all is well with you. Take care.
    October 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Hi Tiffany, thinking of you and hope you are doing ok.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I consider every year a victory.
    October 2013
  • peachpoppy
    Good luck today!
    September 2013
  • HearMeRoar
    Such a a hard day today - but hopefully also a good day knowing that you have started and are one step closer to finishing. Hang in there and if you need anything let us know!!! I'm going to try a way to cheat the system and give you my email... going to put a space between each character j e n n l y k e at y a h o o dot c o m
    September 2013
  • FemaleinMotion
    Thanks for the follow, TiffanyJ! Let me know if you have anything I can help you with.
    September 2013
  • sue1037
    Hi Tiffany,
    I am on my 3rd ACT treatment fit triple negative. I have done fairly well. After the shot I get on the second day I am tired and fell hungover but its gone in 2-3 days. Stay on top if your meds.I try to walk a few times a day and I drinkers of water the day before the day if and the day after to flush it out quicker.
    Sue. Hugs to you
    September 2013
  • flamingogirl
    Hi Tiffany! Saw that you are following me now. Hope you are doing well. Ask any me any questions you want, I'm not shy about answering anything. I just went back to work after 7 months off. Just finished my first full week. It seems kind of surreal, almost like I never went through my journey. Then I look in the mirror and see my "buzz" cut and think "oh yeah, this is the new normal". I was afraid I would be extremely exhausted, but I don't seem to be as tired as I thought I would be. Yay!! I hope your journey goes as smoothly as mine did. Good Luck!!
    August 2013
  • ld_105
    How are you doing? Hope you are recovering from your surgery.
    August 2013
  • HearMeRoar
    I haven't been on in a few days. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking 'bout cha :)
    August 2013
  • ld_105
    Sorry to hear you are not doing well. Didn't they give you a prescription for nausea at home? If not call and ask for a prescription, there is no need to suffer. I took metoclopramide at home for nausea and valium to relax the muscles. There are different combinations of oxycodone. Percocet has less oxy and is combined with acetaminophen, this combo might help. Please ask your surgeon.

    I was sent home with one weeks supply of a pain med and then was in pain for three weeks. My surgeon does not believe in using pain meds to mask the symptoms after a mastectomy and does research. Says tylenol extra strength is good enough. I didn't know her policy at the time and didn't learn this until I went in for reconstructive surgery, then the nurse told me.

    In the end I had to call the plastic surgeon's office and demand pain meds. I would never, ever ever do that again. Don't be polite. I kept saying, "I'm in pain," when I went for my weekly check ups no one gave me a prescription. So lesson learned, be Annoying and Demanding and get the help you need. If necessary talk to the office staff, someone is in charge of these issues. Take care. Hugs and more hugs.

    Saw your previous post...(I also placed a pillow under my arm to compress the area where the lymph nodes were removed.) It helped.
    August 2013
  • ld_105
    Hope you are doing well.
    August 2013