

  • Carool
    Hi, Journey. Some of us WN old timers are writing to others who haven’t been on WN recently, to find out how they are. We’d love to hear how you’re doing.
    April 2021
  • LiveWithCancer
    Good luck today, Journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
    December 2018
  • carm
    Cure Magazine is free so I hope you have subscribed. I agree that it is a very informative magazine. I have been a subscriber since its first I am glad you find it informative too.
    March 2018
  • CAS1
    Hi Journey,

    How are you? How is your Mom..I know you take care of her..
    Just have not seen your postings and wanted to say hello.

    October 2015
  • Lillyzz
    Thank you so much for your advice. It is very encouraging to hear about survivors like yourself. It gives me hope. I am on Alimpta now for mantanence. I have had two stable scans. I agree with you, keeping a positive attitude is key.
    Best wishes to you too.
    November 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Could I get you to drop in on this new member and offer some encouragement?


    i am so afraid and don't know what to do. any advice would be welcome.
    October 2014
  • maryjimhath
    I just wanted to thank you for your reply about mammograms. You always have such good answers, I'm following you.
    January 2014
  • ladyc
    Dear Journey, thanks so much for the answer to what to eat to gain back the weight... I just started chemo. only round one so far... i am also getting cisplatin and vp16 and then on day 4 shot of neulasta... will be going for round 2 on dec 23...that week with Christmas off... good luck to you and thanks for all the support and info.
    December 2013
  • Kgirl
    Thank you so much for the welcome! I am learning my way around this site and I am so thankful to have found it! Now finally, I dont feel alone in all this.
    November 2013
  • survivor2012
    Hi Journey!

    Thank you for asking! Everything is going good, thanks to the good Lord. I appreciate the prayer you sent. I hope everything is good with you also.

    Survivor 2012
    November 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Back to the Journey theme, here is a band that I was playing with before I got sick. This is their current line up. A little "separate ways" for you.
    October 2013
  • CAS1
    Oh about the HRT..My Dr. says he is not supporting the use of HRT except for the topical applicator type. No HRT therapy via pills or injections.
    September 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Susan,
    My Dr's are very happy for me. As we know this does not mean cure but I'll take it. I have my next scan in 4 months so i am living everyday as best i can. Thanks so much for the encouragement.

    I will tell you my Dr's said we are improving survival for all stages of Lung Cancer everyday. my Dr. wants me to do a commercial for the University of Chicago for lung Cancer...I said i would do it gladly.

    So I am working hard on advocating with my congressmen to increase lung cancer funding..Did you see the Docu last thursday for Rhoda..She said how its criminal the small amount of funding for LC and she is fighting for her life.

    So I am trying to get busy..

    Have you had a chance to see that Levita channel? I think its right up your alley too.. We both like the additon of holistic along with traditional methods.

    All the best,
    September 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Susan,

    i know this heat is rough. And the humidity even worse. Thanks for that info on brown rice. We love basmati that we buy in the brown natural type. i am making a note not to eat it more than 1-2 times per month..The other whole grain options are better for us anyway but boy its everywhere.

    So much talk about the med diet being anti cancer. Well my grandparents on my fathers side died young in greece from cancer. So much for the home made yogurts, healthy greens etc. We grew up picking dandelions and eating them. There is no cow in greece. My Father never tased sugar until he was 25. We all had cancer. I lost my best friend in this world my sister at just 58 in 2008. So I don't know what the answer is.
    One thing that I enjoy is octopus and squid in its own ink..There is indication the ink is anti cancer. I buy the goya brand at walmart and throw it on salad. Since its in olive oil I don't even add dressing.
    Get it at Walmart out here.
    I don't know what the answers are for cancer. But I do think that stress and inflamation play a big role in cancer. So I just also read that asprin taken with fish oil at the same time are showing bigger anti cancer effects. We also know a lack of vitamin D can cause cancer. I was dx'd with low vitamin D right before I was Dx'd for lung cancer. If we didn't have young kids right now I would sell everyhting and buy a camper and start travelling the continent.

    How about you?
    September 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Journey,
    Thanks for giving my posts a like.
    How are you/ I am good but still challenged getting myself into a regular exercise program or schedule. Trying but this hot Humid weather has be breathing harder than when its cool outside. I am doing some inhalers which i try to avoid using simply for the side effects but they help quite a bit. Lots of good material comming out on lung cancer drugs in the pipeline. There is great hope.

    All the best,
    September 2013
  • patrick1989
    How did the ultrasound go
    July 2013
  • Justellen
    Thank you for your advice, I am really glad I did this posting thing, I feel so less alone !
    August 2013
  • patrick1989
    no cancer in neck ,just lungs, esophagus and bronchial tube. That is enough. I just hate the word Cancer. It conjurs up so many negative thoughts. I was and still am a smoker. Just cannot quit all the way, and have so many excuses as to why I can't So you see how stupid I am. Whatever happens is my own fault. It is the quality of life I want and it seems the cigarette is a horrible part of my quality..
    July 2013
  • patrick1989
    3years ago WOW that sure gives me hope. When diagnosed was told 6-12 months. Now I have to save my money as I thought my time was nearly up. But do we ever know? I do not think so.
    July 2013
  • Blackmama
    Hi Journey,
    Are you an RN? You seem so knowledgeable about all of this stuff. I was thinking: if I can't get into the clinical trial for that new growth inhibitor Avastin, perhaps my doctor will give me that Alimta? I am also going to see if I can do radiation as well. I REALLY do want to nip this mess in the bud as soon as possible, IF that's possible. What do you think?
    July 2013
  • Dawn1964
    Hi Journey, I am glad to hear you are in remission and doing ok right now. It was very encouraging to see that you were diagnosed 3 years ago. I was diagnosed 5 months ago and a little afraid about the future. I am going to have my 6th Zometa infusion next week. I also get them monthly. I haven't heard of Xgeva but I will talk to my doctor about it. My last chemo and radiation treatment was in June. It was a tough one to get over but I am feeling better now than I have in quite some time. Thank you for asking! Do you have any trouble breathing?
    July 2013
  • Blackmama
    Hi Journey,
    Thanks so much for your last post. Am wondering. I sure hope the surgeon did all those tests that you were mentioning. Is the gene and molecular tests (EGFR, FISH, ALK, K-RAS) all blood tests? I'll have to ask to see that report so that I can take it with me down to MD Anderson. Thanks again, Blackmama
    July 2013
  • Lasander
    Every minute of every day! And thank you.
    June 2013
  • Dawn1964
    I am also very new to What Next. I was diagnosed in February and find your experience very encouraging. Thank you!
    June 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Journey, I am so glad to hear about your walking and your good health. way to go. I am doing my tread mill daily.. at least 30 minutes at a 13 incline and starting the live strong program tomorrow. i want to focus on building back my muscle because i am still so jello like given the cancer and the treatment. Both doing a double whammy.

    I just had my life broncoscopy done on Friday. The Lung expert Dr. told me that we can improve our breathing alot. In fact some people can regrow the air lungs have now filled into where the portion was removed. I am determined to expand my breathing and improve.

    I got the air guage too..didn't really show much.. I go BTW 95 and 100 most of the time. I live in chicago so no real elevation issues.

    We have got to stay strong. This is our ticket to cure.

    Wow 99. Thats great.

    We were married in Lake Tahoe on 12/12 at 12:30 its a magical place for us. Love it.

    i would like to sell everyhting and just get a camper and go. But we have 2 kids so can't do it yet. But I am dreaming of it.

    Nice meeting you..write anythime.

    June 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, any questions you may have just post them in the questions tab and everyone will see them there and be able to help you.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    You may also find our "Beginner's Guide To Cancer" page helpful Click Here for that=>

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    May 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    May 2013