

  • MsMope
    Hi Ivy. The brand name of the vibrating dilator I was given by radiation oncology is FeMani Wellness and it's called a vibrating message wand. At the FeMani website, I see a different "wand" - white with an oval handle. That oval handle might make the thing easier to hang onto. Looking online today, I found my pink plastic wand at an adult site called Good Vibrations under Femani Intimates Wand Messagers/Vibrators. They picture a blue one, a purple one and my pink one on that page. My pink wand (what a funny name) has lasted more than 2 years, so I can recommend it.

    August 2016
  • Mika
    Mika Ivy
    Hi ivy thanks for answering..I have a lot of anxiety about this nightmare....my cancer is also stage 3 with mets to the lower colon dr was able to take out all she could see..but chemo is giving me diarea.,but help with melds..so far doing ok on low dose chemo, I have 6 more left..dr said it acted more like ovarian....but no radiation I guess that is because all was taken out..I swear iam going to drop from anxiety..even with taking meds for this.....did your cancer mets outside the organ? But my is grade 1, I wonder if it bring up survival rate
    October 2015
  • Mika
    Mika Ivy
    hi ivy ..just had a question while reading your board..did dr ever told you what the remission rate was this type of cancer ..I had forgotten to ask and won't be seeing her till January...thanks
    October 2015
  • timetoshare
    I am grateful for your posts. I am helping my sis who has stage iv endometrial. She had hysterectomy, chemo ip/iv and then 3 mo later more treatment needed. She seems to have a horrible time with constipation and had to miss some treatments. She takes over the counter meds, but still suffers. After she gets done with current treatment she will have bracytherapy. Can you tell me about your treatment and what side effects you had? Blessings to you.
    January 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi Ivy,saw your posting on another Whatnexters site and you mentioned the connection of basil skin cancer to other cancers,had not heard this before.I am 67 and diagnosed with IIIC ovarian cancer late last year.I am currently in remission.Two years ago had basil growth removed from my nose then last year a basil growth removed from my left arm,so this makes me more prone to other cancers? I think I got the trifecta that's for sure.We all do the best we can.Wishing you well.
    June 2014
  • Charmed1972
    Hello, looking for a second opinion for my aunt who is traveling to NYC in June. Do you like your doctor(s) and would you be willing to share his/her name(s)?
    May 2014
  • janewest

    I'm trying to figure out how to contact people here. Will get in touch with you when I know what I'm doing. Thanks for responding to my question.
    July 2013
  • netra
    thanks for the information about the support wear. My doctor suggested I wear spandex bicycle shorts and thats what I am wearing now... I didn't know about the support wear you mentioned so I will check into this further as soon as I am able to get out again.....
    July 2013
  • Joachima
    Hello Ivy, and welcome.
    May 2013
  • carolynm-120961
    Hi Ivy. I was diagnosed with the same cancer, Stage VI in 2010. I also had a few nodules in my lung that had just started to appear. I had adriamycin and cisplatin. They were able to control the nausia. The nodules on my lung were the first to disappear. Everything went away except an the area where it originally appeared. The tumor went from 4cm to 1cm and continued to decrease for a while. Finally it came back in the original area. The point is that the lung nodules did go away. Subsequent treatment with taxol and carboplatin were not as effect. The first hint was that I was not as sick as on the adriamycin.
    Good Luck and hang in there.
    May 2013
  • ColoradoCathy
    Hi Ivy, I read your journey with interest. We share the same age and original diagnosis approx 1 year ago. I had the same chemo but no radiation. Big difference is that my lung nodules are cancerous so I am back on a different chemo any my CA 125 numbers are declining. All of this, for both of us, is a real roller coaster ride of emotions. I congratulate you on your recovery and wish you the best of health for all time.
    May 2013
  • carm
    carm Ivy
    I am an oncology/end of life nurse that specializes in gyne cancers. Welcome to the "What Next" family. If you have any questions or concerns that you feel I might be able to help you with, please do not hesitate to ask. There are many excellent people here always willing to help in any way with the latest information or experiences to share. You are among friends….there are no strangers here. I hope you find all the information and support you seek, Carm RN.
    May 2013
  • KateMarie
    Glad for you that you can think about a "new normal" with the quarterly exams and scans. You are awesome, Ivy!
    May 2013
  • KateMarie
    Ivy, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate all the details you shared about your journey experiences. I am in the early days of diagnosis (5 weeks), currently waiting for a surgery date to be set for lymph nodes to be removed. Hopefully I won't have need for other treatments, but should that time come, I will want to be well-informed and I certainly got a lot of useful information from you.
    March 2013
  • Lillylung
    Thanks so much for your answer to my concerns. I have a smart phone and use the calendar on both that and my computer. I need to use them more completely for all my appointments and relay on them for following my appointments. I do use the "Notes" on my phone to jot down what I want to ask the Doctor at my next appointment. It comes in very handy to just whip out the phone and start asking my questions. Thank you for all the good tips and best of luck to you.
    November 2012