

  • Nursesknow
    I didn't have that experience but I did get dry skin that was very itchy and a bit red.
    May 2015
  • kwspr
    Hi, Debra. Hate to tell you, but my joint pain has gotten worse the longer I'm on this drug. Mornings are the worst for me. But if i take time and slowly try to get all my joints working, it seems to help. Your sugar idea sounds good, but I'm a dedicated chocoholic so that would really be hard for me, too! I plan to start doing cardiac rehab again...did this a couple of years ago, so am hoping it will help. Good luck!
    January 2015
  • SueRae1
    I am honored that you have chosen to follow me.
    December 2014
  • barryboomer
    Debra....DON'T listen to anybody including your Family. I implore you to go on line and look up this information. MOST People have NO idea what they are talking about although most have good intentions.......A Vegan Diet will make you lose weight but you usually just drop to set weight your body WANTS to be.

    Check this out below. I've heard people make some of the most ignorant statements based on NOTHING....."Somebody told me...or my Doctor said don't take it ....ugh.....Hundreds of studies on these by their OWN Journals....DO your research to help YOURSELF.....these Docs have many hundred patients and don't keep up with YOU or the New Studies...

    November 2014
  • TinaLeigh
    I am willing to share any of my experiences. And like hearing about others experiences. Hang in there. We all know that have been through Cancer treatment that it's not easy and takes a lot of healing. Happy Thanksgiving xo
    November 2014
  • lilymadeline
    Hi DebraC,
    Thank you for following me, but I’m so sorry about your breast cancer diagnosis! It looks like you were caught early which is great, and I wish you all the best with your treatments. Good luck and God bless! LilyMadeline
    November 2014
  • MelanieIIB
    Hi DebraC. Welcome to the site. What kind of surgery did you have....lumphectomy or mastectomy? I am also HER2 positive. Are you receiving Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin? How are you doing? Let us know if you have any questions and if you want to comment on how your treatments are going.
    November 2014
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Welcome to the site. I am sure that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need someone to talk to. We are all in the same boat when it comes to emotions and feelings about our health. Just know that no question is to silly to ask and if you need to vent because you are having a bad day, we are here for you. I hope you find this site as helpful to you as it has been for me.
    November 2014
  • barryboomer
    When you get there Scroll down a little bit and you'll see HIM giving the talk. B
    October 2014
  • barryboomer
    Take your time with all this. I went all vegan 13 months ago when I got MY Diagnosis....I opted out of treatments. You can check out my Profile and Journey. Vegan Diet will take care of ALL Vascular problems over time. Look up Dean Ornish MD for cancer and Heart disease. On chris beat cancer HE has a Fantastic Video where he sits in front of his computer and talks to new cancer patients. HE is a 10 year Survivor of colon caner at 36...Check out the video or I can send you where to go. HE is amazing. There is SOME studies that Statins can help cancer.....Check that out. Good Luck and it FEELS good to get a little proactive and do some healing. Even IF you do chemo it's like a row boat that's sinking. You can bail and bail but eventually you have to plug up the hole ore it will sink. The Chemo ( killing ) is like the bailing but fixing the hole is the HEALING......The Immune System KNOWS HOW to get the cancer cells back into check BUT For some reason WE have a problem in that area. I ate the SAD American diet for 68 years....poisons disguised as food. Check out my Original Song called DONUTS DON'T GROW ON barrydbutler channel on youtube.
    October 2014
  • barryboomer
    You're welcome.....Lots of interesting things to TRY....but you won't get this Information from your Oncologist ( Unfortunately ) They are JUST NOT Interested and will poo poo all of it IF You ask them. This project should be YOURS and don't even bring up the subject. BUT when you get the med LOOK up on google IF certain supplements and herbs might interfere. There are plant foods and extract that do the same thing as some of the meds the Docs are giving to you BUT that info IS ON LINE. Good Luck.
    October 2014
  • barryboomer
  • barryboomer
  • barryboomer

    Barry Lots of stories etc and her great book.
    Also go to Chris Beat Cancer and His facebook page. Lots of BC stories and Nutrition there.
    October 2014
  • Gabba will find wonderful people, information and support here. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Be sure to ask questions and join in our discussions. We all have much to share and learn from each another.
    I had 33 sessions of radiation and had some burns and fatigue but no crying. I am wondering if your crying stems from all you have been going through. Sometimes we can keep it together for only so long and then have to let the tears flow. It can be a great release. But if this is ongoing and getting worse, maybe you are suffering from some depression and anxiety. Please talk to your physician about this.
    I am sending along best wishes and a sincere welcome. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Grace
    October 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi DebraC! I am sorry you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but i am glad you found us here on WhatNext. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, share triumphs or experiences, offer support to others, or participate any other way that fits your needs best. We welcome you!
    October 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Welcome to a great place. Full of inspiring people who want to help. Make use of it please. Has been a blessing to me to hear others experiences and know that I am not alone. I began taking an anti depressant a week after dx. While I still have my down moments I find that I am better able to pick myself up after. It's okay to get down right now we all do it BUT your mental attitude is REALLY important to beating this beast back so take care of it too.
    October 2014
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Welcome to the site. I am sure that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need someone to talk to. We are all in the same boat when it comes to emotions and feelings about our health. Just know that no question is to silly to ask and if you need to vent because you are having a bad day, we are here for you. I hope you find this site as helpful to you as it has been for me.
    October 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are happy to have you with us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

    Follow Us on Twitter Click Here =>
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    GregP 3X Survivor
    October 2014
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    October 2014