

  • tspoon
    Your humor is missed, RIP.
    June 2016
  • tspoon

    For anyone else that misses his humor, he is at peace. He wished very strongly that his experiences would help others that would follow him.
    August 2015
  • tspoon

    For anyone that misses his humor, he wanted most of all to leave his experiences with cancer behind to hopefully help others. RIP February 21, 2015
    August 2015
  • tspoon
  • tspoon
    I hope this note finds you holding your own at the very least. I used to visit here often just to see what you and MGM had to say. ..it is different and I miss you.
    November 2014
  • tspoon
    Are you still here Michael?
    June 2014
  • mgm48
    Are you OK? Will we see you at group next Friday? I miss your hat!

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    March 2014
  • banditwalker
    Thank you so much for the "follow". I love your pinboard posts.
    I am new to all this compared to you and just love your attitude. I hope through reading experiences like yours that I can continue with my high hopes for a successful outcome.
    Thanks again and I will be keeping up with you.
    January 2014
  • TallBald
    I just read about 1/2 of your Journey. Thanks for sharing.
    January 2014
  • geekling
    Have you ever looked up HIFU?
    December 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Michael. I noticed you started following me. I try my best to be comic relief. Hope I can occasionally make ya smile. Liked all the fun things you put on the pin board recently.
    December 2013
  • MMarie
    I read your post about losing business. I can certainly relate. I work at a law firm. It is just two of us (attorney and me). We both have cancer. We are known as the "Cancer Firm". Business has suffered with people thinking we don't be around.

    I wish you were here. I need a photographer.
    November 2013
  • mgm48
    All goes well. Patience is a virtue however that I possess little of. Still have no idea when the next trial will start. Originally thought it would be mid month now I'm thinking I'll be lucky if it's any time before October.

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    September 2013
  • tspoon
    Michael just checking in with you, hope you have stopped chemo, when the side effects are this bad, it is time to go the next program.

    I miss you and hope to hear from you soon.
    June 2013
  • ROBERT-97681
    Hi michael,
    I am hoping that your treatment is over and that you are doing better. I also feel so bad that you are going through a dificult time again. Keep up the fight and let us know how you are doing.
    May 2013
  • ROBERT-97681
    Hello Michael,
    I had a chance to read your lengthy journey and admire your resourcfulness and courage. It is an interesting journey that concerns all of us PC patients as i wonder what my journey will look like in 5-10 years. Congratulations on your survival and your ability to overcome all that has happened to you. I know it was not easy. Do you regret any of your decisions and would you do anything different as far as your treatment options? I know that we dont feel like we have many optiions but we do and we have to live with the decisions that we make...even when the doctors seem to be unclear on the correct paths to take. They only seem to be able to offer a few months or a few years of success until we try something else if it doesnt work. Your strength and optimisim gives us all strength and optimism. Keep up the fight. There are many people counting on you. Regards, Robert
    April 2013
  • ROBERT-97681
    Hi michael,
    Nutrician is my bigest hurdle to overcome now since there is little I can do now except wait. I know it cannot hurt but I cannot decide what nutrician to follow and if it is worth the effort. I already have made moderate changes (no red meats, half of the bread, little sugar and I eat healthy snacks of fruit and nuts, etc). i hate the thought of juicing everymorning. I see everytime i look on the net for supplements there is a new one and you cannot take them all. What nutrician and supplements have you had success with and how do you know if they are helping? Also if you had chosen not to do radiation what alternative would you have done and where would you be? When I see the studies of all the chemo therapies and how long (not) they increase you life I get discouraged. my email is dittmanr@pacbell.net.
    April 2013
  • mgm48
    Michael - I hope your chemo continues to go well. are you taking a maintenance dose of prednisone each day? I did and maybe that was why I kept as active as I did. Check with Dr Jeff

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    April 2013
  • BLBragg
    Hi! I was wondering if you might be able to help me. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had his prostate removed 15 years ago. Recently (past 4-6 months) his PSA has gone from 8.5 to 12. Have you heard of this? How can his prostate rise when he doesn't have one?? Frustrating...
    March 2013
  • mgm48
    Just an FYI. The trial I'm on is to my knowledge still recruiting. I don't claim it's all easy on cabozantinib but at least I've seen some results better than the other treatments. I've also figured out some ways to deal with/void some side effects.

    Let's get together after 4/15

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    March 2013
  • walton1410
    Thanks for your commits. I had severe radiation burns and developed Radiation Proctitis in my colon. This caused constant anemia in conjunction with all the other ongoing treatment. I am being treated at the Center For Hyperbaric Medicine at Baylor and so far have had some success. After 50 daily "dives" (jargon for treatment sessions) from first week in September until December 4, 2012,partial healing of the burns occurred. The bleeding returned last month and I am now back in daily treatment at Baylor. Besides helping the bleeding, I have had increased energy from the daily oxygen. This helped my fatigue. Has this been mentioned to you?
    March 2013
  • Rohn
    Thank you MichaelV. Just had bone scan and Ct to make sure no spread of the C. Highland Park? near Addison where I was born 58 yrs ago?
    February 2013
  • tspoon
    Just wanted to check in on you and see how you are. My husband has had 60 with no treatments of any sort and his psa is 2.2. His response to chemo has been so good he starts round 7 thursday. But like you, he has trouble breathing just walking to the mailbox and back. Yes, it is 300' down drive and uphill coming back to house but he used to sprint. I don't come here.often, but when I do I look for you.

    Stay upbeat until next time.
    January 2013
  • mgm48
    Can we meet 11/7 at 3:00 Starbucks on Green Bay Rd?
    October 2012
  • mgm48
    Hope all continues well with you. We really need to get that cup of coffee, tea or whatever one of these days. Let me know

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    October 2012
  • tomget
    Hey Michael Looks like you've had a lot of experience with this. I was just diagnosed with Stage2A adenocarcinoma prostrate cancer. It was just yesterday that I got the word and met with the urologist. Not sure how all will proceed. One question...I don't think the urologist mentioned this..but we talked a lot..I see the Nat'l Cancer Inst recommends a full body scan like a Nuclear MRI or similar before prostrate cancer treatment begins...to see if cancer from the prostrate or from some other source has already made itself present in one's bones etc. I need to clarify this with the urologist of course but do patients normally get such a test before prostrate cancer treatment begins? I don't currently have any such test planned. And my urologist offered to refer me for a second opinion etc..and I read that you think i should...I declined, but you think I should?
    October 2012
  • flkid
    That is great news Michael, I just had another three month check and psa is nothing
    September 2012
  • GENMAR47
    Hi MichaelV. Hope everything is going well for you. I have read the book by Ty Bollinger that you recommended and it got me to thinking. I also have found a couple books that I think are worth reading: Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. and Cancer-Free Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing by Bill Henderson. Both of them have some interesting and surprising information. Thanks for all your advice and support and I hope that as this thing progresses, I can maintain my resolve and courage like you have.
    Best wishes.
    September 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for being here and helping to inspire those who are currently battling, we thank you for your participation!

    Greg P
    3X survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr
    October 2012
  • GENMAR47
    The date is 8/31/12. I began reading about your journey tonight. I was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer 34 days ago and I am looking for guidance in whats ahead. I have decided on external beam radiation based on my urologists recommedation when I start treatment. I wasn't told by the radiation oncologist about the permanent impotence and my bladder possibly shedding it's lining that far in the future. If I hadn't found it in your journey, I would not have known about it. Thanks to you I now know and I will be asking some questions of my oncolgist. I want to thank you for sharing your battle so guys like me can have first hand accounts of the war that is ahead. That you can still stay upbeat and maintain a good sense of humor in spite of the war you have been fighting for ten years is totally amazing to me. You encourage me not to quit.
    Thanks for recommending Ty Bollingers book. I am ordering it tonight.
    God Bless you and keep on keeping on.
    August 2012