

  • daca1964

    If you need any help let me know. I had Stage IIIB Nodular Melanoma in 2009.

    April 2016
  • Drm1214
    Buddy. You're the best.

    I'm just having a moment.

    Appreciate ya.
    December 2016
  • GregP_WN
  • GregP_WN
    Hello! We hope you're doing well. We have a partner that is looking for people that would be willing to share their experience with prostate cancer with others. They are looking for people that would like to help others by sharing their story speaking to groups of people about it. Others that have had this opportunity report that they thoroughly enjoy it.

    If you think this is something you would like to do, just click this link>> https://www.research.net/r/BMWXTJL , and answer a few questions to see if you would qualify for this.

    If you have any questions, you can email me at greg @ whatnext . com as always, thanks for being with us here at WhatNext!
    September 2016
  • JohnK
    Your journey is encouraging and inspirational, just what I needed.
    July 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Good Morning TallBald, how are you getting along these days?
    April 2016
  • captain71c
    TallBald- Thank you for the words of encouragement. You are right this sucks, but it could have been much worse. I am lucky I caught it early and I am thankful for a very supportive wife and family.
    November 2014
  • Drm1214
    Hey there. You are the KING of support in here!

    GOD bless you.

    Came here wanting to catch up. I see you have been so kind to so many. I'm not surprised.

    I hope you are well.

    My journey is unchanged. I actually went to a psychologist. I've gotten some mood enhancers. It's helped me.

    I still appreciate you so very much.

    Be well

    July 2014
  • Drm1214
    330-242-1510 Names Darrell.. Willing to talk anytime.
    February 2014
  • Drm1214
    thee thee oh to for to fifteen ten
    February 2014
  • Drm1214
    Thanks for being so active in here, TallBald. Your conversation and openness is refreshing and nice and helpful.

    So do you feel like a survivor? I personally don't even really understand what that means. I don't relate in any way to that.

    My entire event was diagnosed and removed in less than 6 weeks and that included PSA test, Urologist appt. Biopsy, diagnosis, Second opinion and Prostate Removal. It was a whirlwind....... My body changed, my mind changed and I don't feel normal and I don't feel changed but I am VERY changed.

    I struggle with all this. Do you? Does anyone in here?

    I thought I was fortunate in the erection department. I had two useable erections that woke me up while I still had the cathedar. I also had a couple not long after it was removed. That all stopped quickly.

    My desire did as well. My lovely and wonderful wife has been super supportive, but no orgasm and having the daily Cialis cause so much heartburn does make it questionable as to how long I can put up with the side effects for the limited results. All of this has caused my desire to wane even more. I have very little desire, even when I DO mentally WANT to have it. For any sexual anything, and at 43 that's pretty dang awful and disappointing.

    I don't mean to be dumping this in your lap, so to speak....I just cannot find anyone even close to my situation and its built up.

    I don't know what I even mean by the above. I just have never felt more alone and isolated. My doctor, my wife, my coworkers.....friends...even my dad who experienced the same thing.............I just don't know what to say. I cannot even explain it well in this posting.

    FRUSTRATION/ISOLATION/ANGER/HOPELESSNESS/NUMBNESS AND at the same time.......if you ask me how I feel? "fine" is what I'd say.

    No need to reply....I just guess I needed to get this all out of my system and your TallBald page is where it happened. :) Sorry.

    February 2014
  • MichaelV
    Thanks for letting me know. I hope it is of some help to you. We react to treatments differently because we all are different. However, it is important to keep in mind that the people we deal with are just that, people, not Gods, and they can make mistakes and it is our job to catch those mistakes or never let them happen in the first place. I wish you much better luck than I had in my beginning walk on this long path. Again, thanks for letting me know as you(me) never know if anyone reads the stuff or not unless they say so. Keep up the positive attitude. Michael
    January 2014
  • Pinnacle3821
    TallBald thanks for your input! I am 99% sure of having the surgery at Sloan Kettering in NYC they seem to be one of the best in this field.
    November 2013
  • kenslca
    Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the book recommendation. Walsh's book is great at explaining in detail the options. Today I meet with my urologist and this has given me some questions and educated background to talk with him. Hope you're doing well!
    December 2013
  • deepee58
    Boy am I glad I found your post. Reading your journey has answered a lot of questions I had. Such as the catheter, incontinenance and ED. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for your continued recovery.
    December 2013
  • BELLA2013
    have a great weekend
    June 2013
  • BELLA2013
    hang in there ...it gets easier
    June 2013
  • BELLA2013
    so how has your recovery been going ?
    June 2013
  • Ross
    TallBald: It sounds like your early detection will be a blessing to you going forward. For the incontinence, keep working on the exercises. Slowly, you should gain almost complete control. As a youger man, you may see good improvement with the ed. Since I am older and now 3+ years on hormones, ed is a fact of life for me. Best wishes as you journey on. A survivor, Ross
    February 2013
  • tomget
    Welcome TallBald
    February 2013
  • captain
    So glad you are doing well! Had my surgery at 42 and doing good now at 49! No chemo or radiation for me either.
    February 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

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    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    February 2013