Thinking of you and sending you lots of positive and healing energy.0September 2016
Hi, meyati. I hope you're doing well and just wanted to check in. That's very interesting what you wrote on gonewest's wall about the fires in AZ. I lived in AZ from 1999-2002 and we had a huge fire one of those years. They eventually found out that it was set by a volunteer firefighter and prosecuted him. I've lived in CO for nine years now and we've had some really bad fires here too but thankfully not in the last two years. I now live at the base of the foothills but when I lived up in the mountains we always kept a bag packed in case of emergency and a to-do list handy so we'd easily remember what needed to be grabbed. Not a fun way to live but there are almost always tradeoffs no matter where you live. I'll be back full time in a week or so but the break is working well for me. Big hugs.0August 2016
You mentioned in another post that you didn't think there was anyway to block a user. I don't recall you asking me, but yes there is. Just look at the bottom of any post and click on the more link, then you will see the option to block user. That's it.0August 2016
Hi there! I'm so glad that your ENT seems very willing to work with you and not against you like the oncologist and his staff. Sounds like you're on the right path. And it's great that he has enough respect for you to show you the scans and discuss with you, rather than just reading a report. And a dentist that's going to be there for you too! Wow! I know this is tough to go through but at least it seems as though you've found the right people to work with and I wish you all the best. Hugs ~ Sharlie0August 2016
Meyati, I write mostly to you, too, and I'm so glad we're back in contact. No, I'm not the Carol who sends visual jokes. Anyway, my email is caroolrads at yahoo dot com (hoping this doesn't get redacted).
Yes, I did get Greg's note, but things haven't yet been fixed. As long as I can still write here and get replies, I'm okay.
I'll send you an email now. I love emailing, but I never abuse it, and I know we're all inundated with the things.0August 2016 -
Hope you can get help and fast. They have the hyperbaric oxygen chambers everywhere. If you can find ne in your area, they might know a doctor you can see for a script. I was lucky in that I found someone just getting started up and she only charged me $25 over what Medicare paid. I went 5 times until I realized the building she was in was old and I would get sick from the roof leaks. She let me pay her off slowly. Im trying to find another place here which will take me at a similar deal. I dont have any supplemental insurance.
Until your docs wake the f up, also look for a salt room. They are a pretty new take on an old concept and most offer a free session and then discounted ones. You hang out in a comfortable room, literally built of salt. You can read or whatever and you come out clrarer and with your sinuses a hellavalot clearer.
Wishing you well.0August 2016 -
Meyati, I wanted you to know I posted on the thread where the kidney patient asked you and Sharlie to "remove your conversation" and said "you don't get it." Although I wanted to turn it around on her, I figured I might get in trouble for being rude, but I did take up for you two girls. I always enjoy your stories and especially the way you tell them!
As I said on that thread, people looking for only medical info can Google that, and that a more important reason for us to be there was to share experiences and feelings. Just wanted you to know I appreciate you. Barbara0August 2016 -
Hi, Meyati! It's been a little while, so I thought I'd write and ask how you're doing. I'm okay and happy it's weekend time!
I did see yesterday's "6 Degrees of Murder" and didn't like it that much, but I want to see the first one and will still watch these.
Nothing much else to report right now. I'll be going to my studio in a little while (haven't been there for some weeks, though I work at home on my Mac, drawing through Photoshop, so at least I do that even when I'm not painting). Love, Carol0July 2016 -
I have seen on the weather channel that there are very serious wildfires in New Mexico. I hope you and your family, pets and property are safe.
Prayers for your safety0June 2016 -
Hi, Meyati! As you may know, I've gotten into a "discussion" about the merits of the Vietnam War (from the position of a non-military person - me). The same person who invited you to leave our country sent me the same invitation! I declined.
I'm also writing to say that I really like "The Perfect Murder." Last night's - every week's? - took place in NYC, and I love hearing "my" accent replicated, and everyone sounded like a real native New Yorker. I saw "American Monster," but, once again, the monster wasn't monsterish enough for me. And I got a little confused about just what the real videos were and when actors were playing roles. Yes, I did. And I couldn't believe how naive and utterly selfish and stupid the main guys were, and the actors (probably untalented) who went along with that hackneyed script and fools' errand. Makes me think even less of millennials, which disdain on my part is partly the prejudice (and envy) of an old person to a young person, and partly the result of how many of them are enthralled with Bernie Sanders. Ugh!0June 2016 -
Meyati, I was also an English Major. My interest was mostly in rhetoric and comparative languages. I love to read. Unfortunately chemo damaged my eyesight so reading is not a slow process. I used to be a speed reader reading a whole page at a time. Well even 8 by 11 magnifying glasses don't even make that possible, so frustrating. I am saving for a kindle.0June 2016
Hi, Meyati. I hope things are going well for you since your last post. Just checking in.
On a trivial note: I watched that sleazy "Scorned Love Kills" this past Saturday night and was annoyed that they had young actors playing middle-aged people. Didn't make sense, especially when the voice-over said that the husband got a lover much younger than he, and both actors were in their twenties or early thirties! And the wife was, too. Ridiculous!0May 2016 -
Sorry I haven't answered sooner, but..... we actually had a few days of nice weather, no cold & no rain! I must try to do whatever I can outside while it's nice. I work very slowly because of my hands & back, plus the COPD slows me down.
If I had known how hard old age is, I would have not gotten old! LOL!!!
Tomorrow is going to be rainy, maybe I can do some painting. Then I am going away for a few days to visit my daughter in another state.
So take care & stay well!0May 2016 -
It is sometimes impossible to make some people understand things that are obvious & totally impractical. Both of us are in our 70's, not 40's anymore. Our bodies don't act like they used to.
To suggest that we invite homeless folks into our houses or cook for them is crazy. I think both of us live in the country, a distance problem for homeless with no car! I think both of us are lucky if we can take care of ourselves & our families on somedays. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis & can barely use my hands & walking is very difficult sometimes. Life is hard & painful .
Even making the bed & cooking somedays is dificult for me.
But taking care of a homeless paranoid schoidphreniac (sp) would be beyond belief. Or an alcoholic with withdrawal symptoms.
The closest city to me with a homeless problem is Detroit. It is about 1 & 1/2 hours away. Like I'm going into the hood by myself & pass out home cooked meals to the homeless? I'd be lucky to get out alive!
Some people live in another world, a fantasy place where everything is easily taken care of by a fairy god-mother.
Just thought I wouldsend you a little support.0May 2016 -
Meyati, for some reason known only to computers, I couldn't respond to your latest wall comment by clicking on "Comment,"
so I'm starting a new thread related to your statin one.
What's WRONG with those doctors!??! You have to jump through hoops to get many of them to treat you civilly and with empathy. Damn!
Not that I haven't met a few winners here, too, as I've mentioned. Now I trust my initial impression as well as the doctors' sterling credentials, though the MSK doctor who did my elective hysterectomy wasn't a charmer but was an excellent surgeon. Well, good credentials are foremost, with personality next. And it depends, too, on how often and for how long I'll be seeing that particular doctor....
I hope WhatNext fixes whatever is wrong with the "Comment" "button" when a wall post is made and someone wants to reply directly to the poster.0May 2016 -
I am horrified (but not surprised) to hear about your facial surgeries. I can only imagine what you have been through. Life
brings us many struggles, & you certainly have had your share. But it sounds as if you have faced them with grace & courage.
I have had plenty of Basal cell surgeries, the worst was on my nose, then I had one on my chin & 3 more on my legs. Three were done using Moh's technique. One on my leg was done in January & it STILL has not completely healed.
I do not have a speech impediment from the Parotid Gland surgery, but have nerve damage that is simply just weird sensations & numbness in my jaw/ear area. When I first had it done, I could not eat foods that were tart! It felt like an electric shock with the first few bites! Some other type foods were also a big problem.Now that has subsided, but I will always have the numbness.
All my other cancers were severe & classified as sarcomas. I have almost lost track of how many I have had. Except for Melanoma, which I had when I was 23, the rest were 5 years ago.
The hospital experience was so horrible that it seems like a bad dream, but I lived. If any come back, I will just let my obviously bad karma take over!
Keep in touch--- please!!!0April 2016 -
Definitely wishing you luck, my friend! Sounds like this 24 hours of bad luck needs to hurry and get past!!!
That's pretty scary that your neighbor would come into your house without knocking or being admitted!
I hate it when my coffee pot overflows! I am bad about overfilling it
Here's hoping Monday will be a much, much better day!0April 2016 -
Thanks for your GREAT and informative response! I have not until now, had the opportunity to join a support group, due to the other diagnosis (double diagnosis of ovarian cancer...we just conducted another scan and the cancer has dissipated! But, I still have to have surgery to remove the ovaries..the tumors are quite large @ 9cm on both sides...imagine having a double diagnosis of Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma/Pheo AND ovarian cancer! So that surgery I have postponed for May 18th..I have the Right Adrenal removed by THE BEST surgeon (Director of the Urology and Cancer Institute @ Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills!)....he is not only kind, interactive on-line, is very compassionate with his patients like me...He saved my life as the 'second opinion' where another team of doctors were going to literally 'mutilate' me and who put me in danger prior to the surgery...they mis-diagnosed me with a bipolar disorder as well...which took me to a point of fighting with the Heads of Administration and my Insurance company to call 'FOUL PLAY'...and I PROVED MY CASE and the Insurance Company signed (per my demand) a Special Letter of Intent to go outside the Insurance Company's coverage for MY CHOICE OF HOSPITAL AND DOCTOR @ Cedars-Sijna9i! My Doctor recognized this and WAS SO IMPRESSED with WHAT I accomplished that, he immediately bounced into action and first placed me IMMEDIATELY on BETA blockers until he personally performed the surgery! He had the DREAM TEAM on my case...The Head of Cardiology and his 2 Assistant Physicians! OH MY GOD!!! The most EXCELLENT and COMPASSIONATE bedside manner....they treated me like a QUEEN...and, told me after the surgery how AWESOME I was in surgery and post-surgery! I could have died under the care of the other hospital! He teaches doctors around the country and at the Univ of Chicago his Invasive Robotic Surgical Technique! I can talk to him just about ANYTHING! And, I have his direct number to call upon him...However, I a bit 'reluctant' to have this up-coming surgery...because I am trying to put my personal life back in order and it's VERY TOUGH! I am a bit depressed on energy BUT!@ I've been a world-class athlete (World-Champion in Water Sports & formerly with the SF Ballet) I know what to do homeopathically, spiritually and I also used to teach...but! I am a bit 'low' right now... and need to find a way to LIFT UP@@!!! I'm used to inspiring others and NOW I need to be INSPIRED@!!! My family ties are shattered (before the diagnosis), and it was a good thing because the good people in my family have all passed away of cancer...I lost my job, my money, my home...but I'm slowly bouncing back...and looking for the best job (as an executive) with less stress, so that I can take care of myself with this 'new reality'...I just can't look at things in the same way anymore in terms of taking risks and not being without HEALTHCARE! Not an I am avidly spending ALL of my waking hours frantically looking for the 'right' job@ ! I have been procrastinating on working out OB Oncologist told me not to work out so much at all because I could risk bursting the tumors in my ovaries (referred to as terratomas) .... My surgeon doesn't agree with her...but all of the data that I have gathered online is correct about that....BUT!!! I'm going to get busy with a work out schedule, go to Church tomorrow, join the Support Group nearby in Pasadena, CA which I heard was excellent on Tuesday, work part-time until I find THAT JOB...start writing down my experiences for my book (I already have a Publisher who did Top Gun, etc..) and possible tv appearances (I did a lot of media when I was a world champion)...
So...I'm not so bad off...I don't have to take chemo...but there is a documented and profound incidence of recurrence....HOWEVER, after reading all that I have...IT COMES DOWN TO MY ATTITUTE AND OUTLOOK at this point....I wrote an article for Fitness Magazine and LA Times which was a feature story about my success in water sports: "NEVER GIVE UP...ALWAYS REALIZE YOUR DREAMS"....
I need to revisit that mindset RIGHT NOW!
Thanks for your feedback! God Bless...0March 2016 -
Meyati, I'm glad you posted on Danielle's wall. I've been meaning to ask you how your eye is and also respond to something you wrote recently in answer to that study of head-and-neck-cancer patients. I realize that h&n survivors often have an even tougher time after dx. and treatment than do many other cancer survivors, due to facial disfigurement. I've thought that, as you said, burkas would be a boon to some non-Muslims who are, due to various causes, facially different. I did want to respond to your comment. I'm aware that there are many facially different people in the world, and I'm aware of some of the difficulties people encounter. I'm glad you are doing better and that you refused radical surgery.
Love, Carol0January 2016 -
I wanted you to know that I thought your response to the topic "Dealing with VERY HURTFUL comments was excellent! I especially liked the idea of asking the question "What are you going to do about it?" That is a great idea and I am going to remember it for the future. Thanks for sharing.0December 2015
Hey Meyati, was wondering where you were! Yikes, tetanus. I hope you feel better soon. Love.0December 2015
Meyati, I wish you and Levi and your family good health and fulfillment in 2016! Love, Carol0January 2016
Hi, Meyati! Slept earlier tonight so staying up for a few hours before returning to dreams (and work tomorrow). Watching ID. I just wanted to comment on seeing those constantly-repeating ads, and how annoying they become. That kid who makes explosions while his forever-accepting mother thanks him for "using plastic this time." "Love is Love." Then the Barbara Walters "American Scandals" ("Do you think OJ did it?"). Duh.0November 2015
My fav Kenda sentence for tonight: "They're gonna bury you in jail so far that they'll have to pump sunshine into you." And now, for the rest....Hugs, Carol0November 2015
Good morning I hope we have come to a understanding about the emails I truly did not mean what it looked like I could have phrased it better still new on internet and I am so stupid on tech things in fact I do not have a computer I use a kindle but I'm writing to tell you we went to surgeon he told us my husband prob has stage 4 Lung cancer it spread to the other lung and is in difficult place he needs to consult with tumor board we are in shock he will need chemo and rad this has not been a. good year in fact it is a bxxxxch I really don't know how much more I can take but I do wish you a very good day0October 2015
I want to share my song called DADDY WHERE ARE WE GOING TO LIVE with you....I was homeless also for awhile and it was awful Barry
0October 2015 -
Just saw your post in sorry but that was not what I meant we DoD have a dog named Yuri and she really could count if you said what 4 etc. She would bark four times this was not a iinsult I would never do that sorry again for the misunderstanding oh I have thymoma cancer very rare a few hundred every year0October 2015