

  • Gabba
    Just checking in to see how you are doing...hope all is well.
    October 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I hate breast cancer; Hope this helps.

    Father, for the strength you have given me I thank you.
    For the health you have blessed me with, I thank you.
    For the women who are going through breast cancer
    I ask you to strengthen and to heal as you see fit.
    Lord we know you want us to be in good health and to prosper.
    Lord use us to do the work you have for us to do.
    For we know time is getting short on this earth.
    Lord be with every woman who is sick
    and encourage them as only you can.
    I know how faithful you are.
    You have shown yourself to be everything
    you say you are in your Holy Word.
    I praise you for you made this body
    and you can heal this body.
    In Jesus Name I pray.
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • hippgolovchen
    Best wishes as you go through this hard time. I felt like it was taking forever to start treatment! They had to take biopsies of my lungs two times. Breast once. Results took a very long time. They had to be back to choose treatment.
    August 2013
  • havenofrest
    i have a great doctor. The 1st thing he told me was to listen and let him do what he needs to do for me. It was a long 8 mos but I did really well through it. June was my 1 yr anniversary and my mammogram was clear. Hang in there and all will be well.
    August 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, LostPuppy. I see you're newly diagnosed and new to the web site. I read your first experience - everything all at once - gosh, it's hard enough one thing at a time. You'll get it all sorted out though - really you will. I'm very sorry about your dad. Please take care - be gentle with yourself - and let us know how you're doing when/if you feel up to it.
    August 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    July 2013
  • Kats
    I also diagnosed in March with Lobular Carcimnoma. Have undergone a double mastectomy and I'm currently undergoing chemotherapy and then will start radiation. I am happy to share what I can with you
    July 2013
  • itsjustme736
    Dear Lost Puppy put in for your disabilty. contract American Cancer Society, and Cancercare.org Their are a lot of founddation that can help you though this hard time. I have more info if you need it.
    July 2013
  • SusanK
    Glad you decided to check out this site. I found it very helpful while I was undergoing treatment. I needed some immediate emotional comfort one weekend when, of course, the doctor wasn't in. I posted a question here, and in a couple hours I had a half dozen answers that put my mind at ease so I could get a good night's sleep. Those who've done this before you are here to help. Hope you have a good day today.
    July 2013
  • Nonnie917-89591
    I hope they begin treatment soon. It's dangerous to fool around and wait so long in my opinion. Anyway, welcome to the site. I think that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need to sound off or vent from anger. We are all here to listen and help, if we can, because at some point and time in each of our lives we have been in your situation. Please don't be afraid to ask questions either. No question on this site is silly or dumb. We all have questions we would like other opinions on or answers to. There are so many nice people here that it has helped me get through my fears I had when I was DX'd with DCIS. Good luck in the future.
    July 2013
  • hopeinca
    Welcome to this site. We are all here for you. :) Any questions? Ask away!
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Jesus help me, your servant whom you have redeemed by your
    Precious Blood.
    In every need let me come to you with humble trust saying
    Jesus help me
    In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations
    Jesus help me
    In hours of loneliness, weariness and trial
    Jesus help me
    In the failure of my plans and hopes
    Jesus help me
    In disappointments, troubles and sorrows
    Jesus help me
    When I throw myself on your tender love as a Father and a Saviour
    Jesus help me
    When I feel impatient and my cross is heavy
    Jesus help me
    When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot do their work
    Jesus help me
    Always, always, in joys or sorrows, in falls and short-comings
    Jesus help me and never forsake me. Amen.
    Blessings Cellkiller
    July 2013
  • Kelli
    Lost Puppy, so sorry for your loss and the diagnosis. I found that taking each day on its won and not thininkg about what tomorrow brings to help. Sometimes it was hour by hour. Keep focused, not on your cancer, but on getting better. I lost my Dad and its rough. God bless you on your journey.
    July 2013
  • Gabba
    Visit this site often as you start your journey and continue on...we are here to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, give you support and guidance when you need it...the first few weeks are the toughest, try to bring someone with you to your appointments as there is so much info to absorb...an extra set of ears is always a good thing...I will be thinking of you and saying a prayer...good luck and God bless!
    July 2013
  • Irishscott
    Wow, so sorry to hear of your loss and of your struggle with cancer. It will not be an easy journey, it will take work but if you can stay positive that will help you. We are all here to help. You are in my prayers!
    July 2013
  • flamingogirl
    Welcome to WhatNext. Sorry you had to find us, but I think you will find it a great place. This is a wonderful place to ask questions, get support or just vent. Sorry for the hard time you have been going through lately. Good Luck with your treatment.
    July 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.


    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    You may also find our "Beginner's Guide To Cancer" page helpful Click Here for that=> http://bit.ly/10BQKCi

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join. http://www.whatnext.com/recruit-a-friend

    Follow Us on Twitter Click Here =>http://bit.ly/XExkce
    Find Us on Facebook Click Here =>http://on.fb.me/zjBAPl
    Our Pinterest Page with Resources=>http://bit.ly/12qVtEs

    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext Community Mgr.
    July 2013
  • SueRae1
    welcome to WhatNext. I'm sorry you needed to find us, but now that you are here you will find the greatest bunch of supportive people whose combined knowledge is awesome. We can answer your questions, hear you vent and celebrate good news with you.

    July 2013