

  • Norselady
    Buttercup, I have one friend who has Stage 4 melanoma and was told that there is a100% that she will pass within 5 years. That was 9.5 years ago. I am Stage 4 and was told 4 weeks ago that they think I have several good years left. I don't know what the definition of several is..... does anyone? is that 3 ? 5? Good years....another surgery, radiation, chemo?
    What I have decided to do is to give. Whatever time I have left will be spent making the world around me a better place.
    And finding ways to really make people feel good, feel loved and most of all to make us all laugh. As Norman Cousins said as he laughed himself well from cancer......"Laughter is the best medicine."
    My heart is with you whose first thoughts are making your grandchildren happy. How giving of you. They need your wisdom.
    I am a high school teacher and refuse to go out on disability becuz there are too many needy young people in the poor district that i teach in who depend on my help.
    After many very sad nights I realized that I can choose how I feel.....most of the time. I can change my mood with 70 s music and dancing. I watch comedy videos and go to shows, I play lots of games. And I spend time helping others . Thank you for reading...becuz I need to share this so it stays with me. It builds me up to build others up. Thanks for building me up......Buttercup!
    July 2013
  • beth2012
    hello buttercup, saying hello and cant wait to talk
    October 2013
  • ladyhawk
    Hello, I was watching the 700 club last night, and for some reason, when Pastor Pat Robertson, said he's next guest had stage 4 cancer and beat it,, you came to mind. maybe check out the story on cbn.com for 7/8 taping. I think I'm suppose to give you this msg, it was a very strong feeling I got, and I do trust my lord.
    July 2013
  • ladyhawk
    Hi Buttercup, are you busy?
    September 2013
  • beth2012
    Hello Buttercup, I just wanted to follow up say hello and still in my prayers
    August 2013
  • soni
    Hi Buttercup,
    I strongly agree with Greg P_WN, please don't count yourself out Buttercup. I'm not given that long by the doctors that be LOL so I'm listening to Greg too!! Very uplifting to know that others have been told the same thing and are still here with us after a year or years. God Bless You and Hold You Close Always......Soni
    July 2013
  • ladyhawk
    Buttercup 60 is the new 30! so go out and live it!
    July 2013
  • Leo4life
    I had the same feeling at one point too during my treatment for cervical cancer. I had little to no help throughout my journey. It was very hurtful that I had family and felt like they are just waiting for me to die, didn't help me, visit me, call me; there was so many times I just wanted some water but was to weak to ask. I was a very bad experience. I'm still resentfull sometimes but I'm working on it because I don't want bad feelings & stress to pull me down. Finding even the smallest joy in something everyday lifted me up more and more. I cared for myself as if an angel was holding my hand. I had to be strong for myself. You think it kind of sucks becasue everyone should have support or a shoulder to cry on during tough times in thier life. I'm 41 and at a point in my life where the loved ones I had for support have now passed on so I have to "suck it up & be a big girl now" so to speak. I didn't like that thinking at first; but my Grandmother taught me to "ride the waves of life with grace." Very often I think of a saying my grandmother taught me to help me get over bad moments: "Nothing worth having comes easy". I hope you find some joy in your day to help you smile dispite your pain, someone, somewhere needs your smile.
    July 2013
  • judith1954
    I am so sorry.I know it is very hard to stay positive during this time.I use to be a Hospice RN and it was so rewarding to "help" even just a littlle bit.Stay strong and you can do it.Dr's have made these diagnosis but have been wrong many times.Know we are here for you.Bless you.Sending pleasant thoughts and prayers.
    July 2013
  • Mitch44
    Ther is a man with liver cancer in my little town. He was given six months to live and that was almost eight years ago. He is still in treatment but living his life to the fullest and is an inspiration for me as I go through my cancer adventure. Hang in there and see what wonders there are in tomorrow. Best to you, M
    July 2013
  • kiki95632
    all of our journeys are different. I was told in 2006 I had 3 months, I have NHL in my lungs. Treatment still has me here...so I am sending you hugs and hope that your 3 doctors are wrong and you will fight to prove them wrong. May your day be filled with peace and love today. .
    July 2013
  • michaela
    Dear Buttercup
    I am so sorry to hear you are in pain both physically and emotionally. When I am feeling bad I remind myself that how I'm feeling is always changing. 'This to shall pass' is something I think about.
    I am very grateful for doctors. But, I also believe their predictions about how long you have to live are guesses not facts. Only you can decide when it is time.
    I will pray for you
    Michael G
    July 2013
  • mistymaggie
    Hang in there BC - prayers
    June 2013
  • SueRae1
    Took my first dose of Tarceva this morning. So far I'm a bit nauseous, but ginger candy and tea are taking care of that. Also I have some heartburn. Oh the joys of treatment.
    March 2013
  • Dulcinea
    Welcome to WhatNext. I'm a lung cancer survivor, diagnosed September 2011.

    I've been through the lobectomy, chemotherapy and radiation, and am at the 1 year mark from having been diagnosed.

    I have found WhatNext to be a great supportive group here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can message me directly, or post to my wall - I always try to respond.
    September 2012
  • beth2012
    Hello Buttercup
    Thank you for your responce. my husband is stage iv lung cancer.. with severe blood clots in lungs and legs. The doctor has not set up any programs or plans yet however he is having an ct for the middle region (chest abdomen) they did say it has spread to his liver...
    January 2013
  • FreeBird
    Good luck with your health, Buttercup. Are you still going with the chemo? Dad had taxol and carboplatin for his first cancer with the lung. He did well with it. Lost his hair. Was very tired and fatigued. Got the hiccups. Other than that, he did well with it. I think everyone is different with the side effects.
    October 2012