

  • sugar
    Leo4life, how are you doing?
    May 2016
  • sugar
    Leo4life!!! Oh wow, i just finished reading your experiences. You sure have been through hell and back! How are you doing now? I was so sorry to hear about the fact that you had no support, financial or emotional! And that you had to work during your treatment! How did you do that?! How are you feeling and doing? The only problem I have with this website is that many people don't really go into details about their experiences. I am a details person and like to hear more about people's experiences. Anyway, such is life. I would love to hear how your doing now if you feel up for it...I'm new to this website so i'm trying to learn the ins and outs....
    July 2015
  • Deidre
    I was diagnosed with invasive bladder CA in 2012. Had chemo, maintenance treatments, etc. I go next month for a cysto and will have a PET scan. I try to focus on how blessed I am to still be here and the good things in life. I will have to be monitored for years, so try to take my doctor's advice, "Go home and enjoy your life!" Not always easy. Wishing you good results on your biopsy!
    July 2014
  • Asanayogini
    Double yay for you, what a great day
    July 2014
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Leo. I noticed that you started following me. Hope I can be of help. Sounds like you've had a lonely time of it. I get it. It's just me and my two cats. My best friend has a high school soccer phenom, who is already being scouted by both universities & the Olympic development team, and he's only a freshman, so she's tied up with that -- haven't seen her since Thanksgiving, and she lives 20 minutes from me. And my only close relative is my mom -- she's in a nursing home and her doc wants to put her in hospice -- uh, doc, she's not done fighting yet, thanks anyway. And Mom does feel guilty that she wasn't able to come visit during my treatment -- she was still independent then, but lived over an hour away and doesn't do freeways. But I did alright w/me, myself and I. Have a couple guys at work who occasionally fuss over me still, even though treatment ended last January. And have buddies here. If you feel lonely, drop me a line -- I'll be glad to be part of your support network. Just a warning -- I am a sarcastic smart ass... Oh, let's watch those x's come up on that one! : ) Anything I can do to help, just let me know!
    January 2014
  • christine47
    Hi,I noticed we have the same diagnosis.I am new to this site,so I am not sure how everything works yet,but I just wanted to say Hi and I hope everything is going well for you :)
    December 2012