

  • LMM
    I will meet my oncologist tomorrow, I believe he will have the results of Mondays pet scan and cat scans. My stomach is in knots right now. I was able to keep my mind busy at work with my students but now here at home my mind is just spinning, but I keep on praying.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Praise God, to Him the glory. So happy to hear of your news.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Thanks for your answer. I think you're great ;)
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Thank you for thinking of me. Can they tell the stage by colonoscopy and ultrasound? A nurse told me the other day they wouldn't know that until surgery when it is removed and they have checked the margins?
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hi there, LMM here. Just wanted to share with you that my petcan is scheduled for Monday, appointment to meet Oncologist Thursday and colonoscopy and ultra sound scheduled for Friday of next week, same time I am due to report back to my classroom. I love my job, and my students. I am praying that all has been caught in enough time so that I may travel thru this journey and have a celebration symbol like you.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Ticklingcancer thank you for your welcome to WhatNext I am thankful for this forum I feel thankful to have you all. Yes, I am in the waiting stage. This is all happening so fast, I haven't had time to catch my breathe since Tuesday when I went in for a sigmoidoscopy to see why the "hemmroids" my primary doc told me I had were not stopping blood from appearing on my stool with the suppositories she prescribed. The doc preforming the test said all was clear in the lower half of my intestinal track. He then proceeded to put the sigmoidoscopy closer to my rectum area to check out this hemmroids. Then he said those words, this thing is not a hemmroid it's a tumor he took a biopsy said lab would get back to me after Christmas, then he looked at me with such compassion in his eyes and said, kid this is cancer. I will refer you for a full colonoscopy to be sure the upper portion of your intestinal track is clear before we proceed with surgery to remove the growth. Yesterday, I met with surgeon he examined me and confirmed 2nd doctors findings. However, the mass is too large for immediate surgery, I must do a combined radiation and chemo therapy to shrink the mass remove it and then remove my entire rectum to be sure it does not come back. So I wait for doctors to complete their Christmas. In the meanwhile my world is spinning out of control. It's going to be some ride this cancer thing. Thank you for listening and sharing Liz's link I am headed there now. Thank you again, stay strong, stay positive and smile!
    December 2012
  • LMM
    Just wanted to say hello, and hope you are feeling well. May you have a Merry Christmas.
    December 2012
  • LMM
    One question that has popped into my mind. I am a teacher, I have insurance through my district, but again I say I am a teacher and teacher's pay is mediocre. So does insurance pay for all these meds I will be needing?
    December 2012
  • BuckeyeShelby
    I keep scrolling through stuff and always have to stop and do a double-take on the frog... BTW, you still have a frog on your head. Isn't it done sucking your brains out...?
    December 2012
  • SpunkyS
    Oh deer oh deer! How dear.
    December 2012
  • Lindy
    I got a second opinion after everything that could go wrong did. Initially I had no choice as I had restrictive inadequate insurance. After I changed my insurance I met with a remarkable breast cancer doc at Tufts, he basically verified what the oncologist said, "bye, bye". I think my underlying reason for the second opinion was simply a broader view of the situation as it would help negotiate palliative care when it comes to that. I find it difficult to talk about the tough issues with doctors, as if they prefer I play dumb.
    December 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hey TC--love the new look! Especially in the U of Oregon colors! Makes me realize how out of date my photo is...will work on getting a new one up soon. Bday party sounded fun. Love that attitude!
    December 2012
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Excuse me, sir, but there is a frog on your head...
    December 2012
  • Nancebeth
    Hey. Thanks for the support. I am not sure if you've seen my blog yet, but if not, check it out, so you can learn "the rest of the story" hahahaha
    December 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    TC--Have you started to think about your feminine "ensemble" for the April Relay for Life? Maybe if you put a little more into it you will earn more next time! Oh, and BTW, of course, we want pictures!
    December 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Sounds like you had a productive weekend. We went to Knoxville and visited with our Nephew and his wife. He's more like a son than a Nephew. I managed to get snookered into putting up a mailbox for them. That's usually the way our trips go when we get there, there is usually a list of things they want us to do.

    It's always good to get away for a couple days.
    December 2012
  • Crash
    Congratulations! Yours is certainly the way to go! I imagine your prognosis is excellent!
    December 2012
  • kiki1875
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I definitely need help at this point. Looks like I've come to the right place
    December 2012
  • Crash
    I just read your answer to Faith in which you stated that you didn't have to have surgery. Do you still have both your nuts?
    December 2012
  • Jennew
    Hello~ We are neighbors I live in Little Elm Texas off of hwy 380. Sorry you have been through this too. But we are survivors. Thanks for all you do~
    My Thanksgiving just wasn't the same. I am usually the one to spend all day cooking and serving for others. This year I was the couch potato and someone cooked for me. I felt helpless. I hope next year I can be back in the saddle again. How are you?
    November 2012
  • michellebrochu
    Hello!! I just wanted to thank you again for the info, it will probably take my parents a bit to get online, but have given them this website along with other information. They live in McKinney, too!! Small world...> I am in Mesquite, not too far away!! Anyway just wanted to let you know I found my way to this site, my parents will soon, and thanks again for the info!! Hope to keep in touch!!
    November 2012
  • Crash
    I found this site. What is the best way to share this with all the whatnexters ?

    November 2012
  • Nancebeth
    I feel like I know you and your family. I hope ya'll have a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful I am the right kind of statistic and you are, too!
    I enjoy reading your posts and comments.
    November 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hey, thanks for the support, TC. I just wrote a rather curt email to a "friend" who sent me an email complaining about her gay son's lover and "having to go to Hawaii" for Xmas, if you can believe that! I suppose I'll get a call from her after my extreme return email, but JEEZE! The insensitivity was appalling! And I thought we were friends...
    November 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi TC! Did you miss me? I've been in the hospital for a week, due to low blood counts and an infection that wouldn't go away. But am home now. Sure good to be home.

    As to this question, I've had (overly) religious zealots ask me what did I do to get cancer, as well as a few ignoramuses tell me cancer is caused by "playing with your boobs too much". (However, they didn't specify how much was "too much". Some people are ignorant and choose to stay that way! I say, don't waste your time with them.
    November 2012
  • Deb949
    Thank you
    November 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for your help in welcoming the new WhatNexters, you get the Welcome Wagon award!

    We appreciate it!

    Greg P
    November 2012
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hey TC. You mentioned that you stink @ golf. You could always go in drag like you did for the Relay. That might scare the other golfers enough that your score is good! You have REALLY been busy today, haven't you?
    November 2012
  • Smkipp
    Thanks for the welcome. This seems to be a very active site.
    November 2012
  • Photon
    Thank you for the reply. :)
    A lot of positive people like you is what helps thru any type of cancer and I am very grateful and thank you for your advice. :)
    November 2012