

  • Rivergal
    Hi! I'm new on here and recently diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. I start Chemo on Tuesday. Then surgery then radiation. I have super long hair and I am cutting it tomorrow. Hoping to donate it before chemo. Starting my journey...
    December 2013
  • yking
    What drugs do they have you taking? I am in the same situation but struggle with feeling ok everyday. I have too much work and two kids. I am taking Tamoxifin and Zoladex to put me in a chemcical menopause. So the night sweets and hot flashes are ever few hours. Hard to handle. I am a year into this treatment.
    August 2013
  • kbailey
    Did you do hormone therapy and how was that for you?
    June 2013
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Teddyfuzz, just stoping by to say hello and send hugs your way. :)
    April 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi TF: Yes, I'm very tired after going thru 18 weeks of chemo. The funny thing is, my hubby keeps telling people how ENERGETIC I am! I DON'T FEEL THAT WAY! I did, however, start back at the gym today, which makes me happy. Hope you're doing well TF!
    March 2013
  • SueRae1
    How are doing?
    November 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Teddyfuzz---still haven't heard from you lately. Hope everything's gone great with reconstruction. I just finished my chemo yesterday and am much relieved...hoping to get my life back now. Please respond. :-)
    January 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    TF: Haven't "seen" or "heard" from you forever. How are you doing? I am 2/3 through chemo now and finding it more challenging (neuropathy, just feeling sick, etc.) each time I get the big three TCH. But I only have 2 more of those! The TH weeks are ok, and the H weeks a walk in the park. Your hair looks longer...you should make itty bitty pony tails, LOL. I wore my red tinsel wig to chemo today and it was a hit! Hope things are ok with you!
    December 2012
  • Luv2Run
    Hi teddyfuzz. I am new to the site and have been reading some of your posts. your attitude is very uplifting and inspiring...exactly how i want to be!! i see that you were having your reconstruction done...good for you! i hope it went well and you are feeling fine!!!
    November 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi TF: Just wanted to say "hi": & see how you're feeling, post op. You DO deserve twins! I had my meandering port "nailed down" yesterday and think same surgeon did a better job this time! Also---love that PERCOCET! Take care!
    November 2012
  • notpopeye
    Hi TeddyFuzz... just joined and very stressed. Sleep and food are not anything I can seem to do. I was wondering if I could contact you as things come up and get your take on things.

    My gal pal just told me 2 months ago she was diagnosed with the duct type - stage 1. Before that, never knew anyone personally or even ..."someone's aunt" that had been diagnosed.

    Also, had no idea that a mammo doesn't see this kind. Actually, I didn't know there were "kinds"!! I feel really stupid for being so ignorant of a well published woman's health issue...but had no family history, breast feed, did self exams, and went for mammos and yearly gyno apts.

    Sorry to dump:) But read your posts and the t-shirt quote "the real ones tried to kill me" made me laugh..not doing that a lot this week...and I like your sense of humor

    However this goes, thank you for posting. It's like having a map....

    Not - Popeye.
    November 2012
  • mgm48
    Thanks for the kind words and all the support. May your every day be just a bit better than the last and may you achieve all that you wish. Each and everyone of you who do not "know" me, know me better than most as we share the fight against cancer. If you don't have it you don't know what it really is to have it.

    Bless you AND

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    October 2012
  • Loafer
    Thanks Teddyfuzz! My onc said he was putting benedrol in my chemo treatment! I have to trust he knows what he is doing. No port, no drugs, I'll just have to journal my experience and make adjustments along the way, as necessary. Thanks for your support and intervention. Nice to know so many people really care!!
    October 2012
  • Nellie
    I got the braca test done! I was offered the saliva test or blood test, but since I had drank something in the hour before i had to have the blood test. And the test went to Utah also. Last chemo is Oct. 31st. and I will be doing 6 weeks of rads. each chemo has been different for me. the second was prolly the worst as far as nausea. the third however i ached so bad on saturday and felt pretty good on sunday, but did not "bounce" back like before so on tuesday i got lab work done and my wbc was 2!!!! i took off work and rested per the cancer nurse. feel better today!!! thanks for all your support and wisdom !!!! and you make me laugh and that is what everyone needs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    October 2012
  • Lirasgirl33
    10/19/12- I've been on a little bit of a roller coaster of emotions the past couple of days. It all started with a dream or more like a nightmare. I had a dream that my kitten had passed away and in my dream I was bawling holding his little body in my arms. I woke up and was relieved that it was only a dream. Seconds later a horrible feeling of loss just came over me...the feeling of losing someone I love and the waterworks came on. I couldn't hold them back. Crazy, but I managed to go back to sleep.

    Later on in the day I saw a post/video on my Facebook feed about a 13 yr old boy and his cancer journey, he had passed away that day. I cried, uncontrollably. Being a mother I didn't even want to imagine going through that, but for a few minutes it felt like I did. I mourned that little boy and thought about posting something on his mother's Facebook wall, yet I found no comforting words to tell a mom who had just lost their child. I felt useless. I cried more in those few moments than I've ever cried before. Those tears were sad, mad, just totally and completely pissed off at cancer. I hate cancer. At that moment I wished I owned a punching bag or punching ball with the word "CANCER" written on it....and I wanted to punch it...so hard! I hate cancer and the hearts it breaks every day. I just have to remind myself to just keep on.....keep on living and fighting from the inside out with all my will and all my might.

    Five minutes later, after getting all that angry energy out of my system, I saw a picture my daughter had posted on Facebook the night before. She is such a character, so funny, and that picture made me laugh....so hard. Yes, I was on that roller coaster of emotions. I got off of it finally, smiled, and continued marching on ahead........folding laundry. LOL :D My kitten must have heard me crying because he came right over, jumped on my lap, stretched out, made sure "he" was comfortable and purred himself to sleep. LOL :D
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thanks for the pep talk, TF...just what I needed tonight, too! This site is the best! (Feeling better---can you tell?)
    October 2012
  • Beaner54
    You certainly do see a different side of people after a cancer diagnosis.
    Unfortunately, it isn't always a warm fuzzy.
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Oh yeah, TF--I can see your long (golden?) locks flowing down around your shoulders, LOL. Meanwhile, you ARE on the uptake, while mine keeps flaking away, stubble by stubble, after each shower I take...at this rate, I can be Uncle Fester for Halloween!
    October 2012
  • ticklingcancer
    Glad to hear of your bone scan results. I would have danced a jig right there in front of everyone!!
    October 2012
  • geekling
    Hi; Just curious as to why you would "like" my answer to a question when my answer was, basically, a condemnation of the whole cancer industry. Best wishes for renewed good health.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Congrats on your scan!! I know how that feels!!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Greg P
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr
    October 2012
  • PAMMOB509
    October 2012
  • PAMMOB509
    Thank God! He is so amazing! I will be praying for your bone scan that's up coming! I stoped taking that anastrozole that's it's generic name! I went off of it in June just found out that I have a couple months of pain left! that drug takes about 6 months to get out of your system!
    October 2012
  • SueRae1
    I am still in the mist of chemo - my week off ends tomorrow. Took awhile to find the right cocktail. We are treating active Advanced Renal Cell (Kidney) and Metastasized Triple Neg Breast cancer - I had my bone scan in in early May right before the double treatment began (till then I was on oral chemo for the renal cell only) the results were negative - which is what you want. Good luck fixing the girls.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Scan wasn't so bad, was it? Glad it was an easy one for you!

    Greg P
    October 2012
  • SueRae1
    Hi teddyfuzz,
    Glad to see see that you like my answers to so many questions. How's your treatment going?
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Hi TeddyFuzz,

    Thanks for being active on the site and sharing your Journey as well as helping so many. We appreciate it!

    Hope your doing well.

    Greg P
    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    October 2012
  • Idaho_Rich
    Hello teddyfuzz, thank you for your positive thoughts. My original post states 4 radiation treatments, I meant to type 44. Oops!
    I have also heard that the hyperbaric chamber is going to make me feel better - that's something I have'nt experienced in many months but I'm almost always upbeat and positive! Thanks again!
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thanks for the support, Teddyfuzz. Yeah, I'm finding it loads of fun, actually. I think my deceased gma knows I did this and is laughing her ass off! She was all of 4' 11" and had a lot of fun dressing up in an ape suit (complete with feet, hands and mask) and jumping out of the bushes at all of us grandchildren and our friends! She used to horrify me as a teenager when she would talk for what seemed like forever with any body--a store clerk, paperboy, whatever--but she taught me that when you give more to others, you get a lot more back. Today was a rockin' day for me--both a steroid high and my hair made me realize that it really is a "wonderful life" and I'm gonna keep pushing my comfort zone until I drop!
    September 2012
    Thank you for your response. Initially they thought they had a clear margin when they did the lumpectomy, but it wasn't until the mastectomy pathology results when they saw more cancer. What chemo drugs did you take?? Did you lose your hair?? Did you take Herceptin?
    October 2012