

  • lawcreate
    How is your Mom faring and how are you?
    March 2014
  • ladyd2013
    Gm Erryberry. I hope this finds you and your family doing well. How's your mom. I have been thinking about you all. I hope the drs were able to ease your minds and fears. I hope all is well. Take care and hope the holidays are pleasant.
    December 2013
  • ladyd2013
    I hope that all is well with your mom.And that you and your family is doing good under the circumstances.I wish you all well and take care.Remember its one day at a time..
    December 2013
  • cam32505
    I know you have a lot of anxiety about cancer. I took care of my mother for 30 years after she had cancer. She was always afraid of it returning. It never did, but she got leukemia in the last 10 years of her life. She passed away last winter, but not from the cancer (old age - 82). For the last 2 years of her life, I took care of her while battling my own 2 different types of cancer, uterine and thyroid. It was surely a battle, but she did what she could to help me, and I tried to help her. My sister and niece also pitched in. You can't do it without support. If your mother is generally healthy, she can make it through the treatment. The hardest part for you will be to encourage her when she feels like she wants to give up. My mother was my biggest supporter while I was undergoing treatment, and wanting to stop. So, that will be your job with your mother. Best of luck to you.
    December 2013
  • ladyd2013
    Well Erryberry thats why we go thru what we go thru with hopes that the treatment set for us works.It has too right.I know i didnt go into it thinking omg this isnt going to work.I feel the positive you are going into the treatment the better your mind and body tolerates treatment.Its not until after your done with that part that you second guess it.I am at that point but i feel positive that the best was done for me by my doctors and by me and most of all GOD..Thats who holds all the answers we seek thru this journey.I have alot of people praying for me and some i dont know.Hes listening but if it turns out that it didnt kill it theres a higher reason.But we all believe that the meds and treatments will work.Its all we have to hold on to until we know for sure.It will be just fine and she and you and your family will get thru this bump in the road.You keep thinking positive and a little prayer goes a long way..It will be nice for you to see me finish this journey as i will see you and your family thru yours..
    December 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Erryberry. I see you've chosen to follow me. In addition to being a cheerleader here, I try to be a bit of comic relief from time to time. Truly, the scariest time is the waiting at the beginning of this journey. Once a treatment plan is in place and has started, it's a lot less scary. Did I have a few scary moments? Sure. I had an allergic reaction to my first Taxol infusion -- the nurses in the chemo room were surrounding me as soon as I let them know I was in trouble; my oncologist was there a couple minutes later. I just kept my eyes shut and reported my symptoms, and they explained what was happening and how it wasn't unusual. They added more steroids to the mix, restarted the IV, and I was fine. Also had severe leg pains a couple days after my first chemo session -- hadn't read about that as a side effect. But it eased, and I was walking w/out a can w/in 4 days. Had the cane for a few days after each session, but my oncologist and I discussed it, and I was on narcotics for a couple days after each session. Again, really scary at first, but I survived it. I somehow managed to go throw my treatments and other than days of chemo or dr's appointment, I only missed 2 days of work -- first because my chemo day got moved and my heavy narcotic day was a Friday instead of a Saturday; second because I had a Taxol leak, which cause a chemical burn, like a REALLY bad sunburn, and my arm hurt and we had a snow storm -- I don't like driving in the snow anyway and with a bum wing... Those were the only 2 days. Other than the surgery, of course. Just be there when Mom needs you. And if she pushes you away occasionally, it is not personal. Sometimes as a patient, one just needs to be alone. Just don't let her move into her shell on a more permanent basis. I do wish you both the very best. Pop up either on my wall or on the question section if you need assistance. I do try to read through the questions daily. Plus a whole bunch of other amazing people do as well. : )
    December 2013
  • ladyd2013
    Well hon i didnt start out brave..I cried alot and worried alot.I was most fear of the chemo..You hear the stories and how it can be tough.But remember everyones different.I questioned my strength and if i had it in me to get thru the treatment.And everyone around me and those that know me said you have it you can do this you have the strength.And you know i did..I actually had it all along i just was so devastated and in shock i couldnt see it.I have been thru alot of things that most would curl up and want to die from.When my journey is done it will be another knotch in my belt that i did conquer.I will have 5 years to be free but i will get there.And so will your mom and you and your siblings.Yes the holidays..What can we say about them i wish they were done.Its stressing me out right now since i cant work.But today is one day tomorrow will be another.So i try to not think about it. Get in touch with the ACS American Cancer Society..They helped ease my worries and sent out info that helped me and my family deal with the news and how to deal with what will be happening in the weeks and months to come.They are awesome.I couldnt of gotten thru all this without the information they gave me.It will help you all.I have anal cancer so my treatments are different than your moms.My chemo consisted of 2 IV injections on the 1st and 28th visit.But i was taking chemo pills while i was in radiation m-f for 35 visits.Now im done with the radiation treatments and so i start my chemo after the holidays but in not sure if its pills or iv again.That will be 7 months of chemo.My finish line isnt close yet but i know i will get there..She will have days where its not worth it but she will pull thru and with all of you around her will help her see that.We are all in this in some way or another.You take care and get ahold of the American Cancer Society it will help alot.
    December 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.
    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

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    GregP 3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext Community Mgr.
    December 2013
  • ladyd2013
    Your welcome hon.Its scary no doubt.Youhear that someone you love has cancer.I had my 17 yr old with me the day i found out i had cancer.My husband works for the R/R and he was gone the day they called me for an emergency appt.I knew the day before it was bad.I told my daughter what ever she had planned the next day to please reschedule i needed her there to hear what i dont hear.All i can say for you is this hon,you cant make the fear go away.Just be very supportive,encourage her to fight,it will all fall in place after everything gets started.Right now its new and its so scary to think of a loved one with cancer.We all think its a death sentence but it doesnt have to be.Cancer is a word not a death sentence..I still dont believe at times i have cancer??? Im a very determined person i believe hit it head on and no detours lets get this done and let me move on from there..Your mom and your family will find that motivation.It will be tough no doubt but i counted the days and the closer i got to finishing my chemo/radiation the happier i got.Now im done with my 35 visits of radation treatments i will begin my chemo after christmas.I have anal cancer.So i have been thru what i thought would be hell.I walked on the fire and i made it to the other side.Now i just wait to see my surgeon on Dec 10th and that will be the true test to going to hell and back.If the plan we had for me did what they said it would its a good day....Its a tough road no matter what type of cancer your diagnosed with.Cancer is Cancer...I tell people that any day im standing upright its a damn good day..I tell my family and friends NO WORRIES...Its my motto.I still get scared but i keep that secret to myself.My support system worries enough and i try my best to keep the pain and problems to myself.I wish you and your family the best.Get a support system in place to help you with caring for your mom and giving you a break.You cant take her fears away just help her get thru them.Its ok to be scared.Thats how we know were alive..Fear will bring out the best and the worst in one another.Let her cry and let her be afraid it will give her modivation to want to get thru her treatments and it will give her something to look forward to at the end.I pray for her recovery and i pray for your family to find the strength to move past this little bump in the road i call a journey..Take care and love each other.Tomorrows another day.
    December 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    December 2013