

  • warrior3
    I'll keep you in my thoughts. Try to do something fun, keep your mind off this stuff...
    March 2013
  • warrior3
    Oh, gsusan, I know that feeling so well! I went through the same exact waiting game, dreading what I might hear. I only had 1 PET scan, mine were typically CAT scans but I believe that a PET scan would show the presence of any residual masses or cell clumps. My guess is that if they were to find any questionable areas they would want to do a biopsy to see if there is any cancer present and go from there. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. I so hope that you are cancer free and there won't be any need for surgery. Try to get some rest and stay positive - I know, easy for me to say.... Please keep us posted here on the site, I would like to hear from you, either way. I am here for you :)
    March 2013
  • warrior3
    gsusan, it took me quite a while to recover from the chemo/radiation, as well. I had a rather large mass as well as a smaller one. Following treatment it looked as if both had completely disappeared but my dr. had a "feeling" the cancer was still there. He kept a close watch and, sure enough, a couple of months later a biopsy showed cancerous cells. I had my surgery in early December and I've been doing well ever since then. I am one lucky woman! And you will be, too. Make the most of your time away from work - get as much rest as you can, eat some good food, get strong and healthy. And keep us posted! I hope you begin to feel better really soon.
    March 2013
  • sheryl1986
    hi gsusan: all is getting better!! And I know what you mean. I am okay with loosing weight..i was heavey when I started. Do you have an appetite? Mine isn't great and it bugs my friends but what i try to explain to them is that if i am not that active, I am not hungry. I know my energy is low and that bugs me more that not eating or loosing some weight. Treatment is all done. Are you almost done??
    February 2013
  • sheryl1986
    Good morning!! Slow but sure. Yup my butt is still sore also!! The joke during treatment with my techs was that they were making my butt glow! It is a slow process..Mentally I am ready to go back to work..but sitting would make it hard and since we are immunocompromised and i work in an ED I have to wait!! I didn't have too many side effects with the chemo..did you??? I did have a problem for a while with swallowing like there was a lump in my throat and my gums hurt but each side: radiation and chemo said it was the other's thing. It went away after a week. Onward and upward..actually i am what I think; doing pretty good.
    February 2013
  • LMM
    Checking in on you to see how you are doing?
    February 2013
  • LMM
    Thank you, you are right. Gotta take it one day at a time. Yes, I have family waiting in the wings to help when the time comes. My kids are: son 22 and daughter 19 and my hubby, and my parents and brother. Thank you again. God bless you.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Thank you for responding. Did they give you a pet scan also? I am trying so hard to remain calm, trying to relax, and positive but I am nervous. I am just so worried about "lighting" up that board. I don't want to be around anyone after that test, nurse said if I am around people I must keep a distance of 6 ft from them. She said to drink a lot of water to help flush my system and that I should be ok to be near people after 8 hours. Do you have family helping you while going thru your treatment?
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Gsusan, my name is Lisa. I was told on Dec.19 that there is a tumor in my rectum. I have just been waiting on Docs to come back from their holiday vacations. On Monday, I have petscan, meet with oncologist on Thursday and then have colonoscopy and ultra sound on Friday. I have no idea where I am at in this journey other than one doc said tumor was to big for surgery : first chemo, radiation and then surgery where he will remove rectum. I am trying to put on weight also. Prior to Dec.19th I was frustrated with the weight I had been gaining a couple pounds here and there. Wow, how irrelevant now! Needless to say I have dropped some weight over the past two weeks from stress now I am trying to get those back. I will try the Boost also. I was hoping I could work during treatment but I guess I have to wait to see how all this will affect me. I hear it affects some more than others. I had a friend who worked thru her treatment. I wish you only the best in this journey.
    January 2013
  • warrior3
    Gsusan, the hawk was a fledgling born and raised in the tree across from my house, just learning to hunt. I, too, love hawks :)
    Fortunately for me I started my cancer journey a bit overweight so I had a bit of reserve on me; sounds like you really need to be vigilant with the weight loss but I know how hard it is. Glad you're able to drink the Boost, that just wasn't for me. Popsicles and lemon ice were about the only thing that I could eat. Forced myself to drink some kind of electrolyte drink (not Gatorade) under threat of being sent back to the hospital for dehydration. Geekling, when I read your response I remembered that when I was where gsusan is now my stomach would have turned just reading the ingredients. Right now, it sounds delicious!
    My hair got really thin but I was lucky not to lose it all. You're stage 1, that's really great, just keep your eyes on the prize! I was stage 3 and here I am 7 years later :) As geekling said, this, too, shall pass.
    January 2013
  • geekling
    I also am unable to imagine that anyone could work through this sort of radiation and the chemotherapy and the initial surgery. Once I did begin treatment, however, the radiologist scared me into maintaining my weight. I even gained weight for cancer.

    If you have a juicer (or blender) try combining a cucumber, 2-3 celery ribs and, if available, some pea or sunflower sprouts. If you only have a blender, strain the mix. It is a bland enough mix to be able to hold down and still get some nutrition. If it is too bland, spice it up with lemon or ginger or mint as you prefer. I found whole pieces of melon and grapes helpful but some recommend you stay way from sweet fruit. Avocados are good too.

    I was beyond tired but in too much pain to sleep. At first I "lived" on the net moaning on my 'donut' soft seat and later I 'lived' from pain pill to pain pill, telling time from pill to pill instead of hour to hour.

    This, too, shall pass.
    January 2013
  • warrior3
    Wishing you the best... I, too, experienced a big weight loss and extreme fatigue. Always amazed at the folks who are able to keep working through treatment - no way I could have done that! But it does get better, it really does. Hang in there!
    January 2013
  • FreeBird
    Wishing you the best with your treatments, gsusan!
    November 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    October 2012