

  • judyinflorida
    Just wondering how your second opinion worked out. Hope you are doing ok.
    December 2015
  • Carool
    Chris, I just wanted to wish you and yours a good Thanksgiving! Love, Carol
    November 2015
  • Carool
    Chris, I'm glad you and your oncologist have decided on your next action. I wish you all the best and hope the chemo isn't harsh. Hugs and love, Carol
    November 2015
  • Carool
    Chris, how're you doing?
    November 2015
  • geekling
    :D you love me..you think I'm perfect .. little happy dance .. big silly grins .. kiss kiss .. hug hug .. I need you well .. be my friend
    November 2015
  • Carool
    Chris, thank you so much for your Halloween-timely "Best Answer" awards! I'm wearing them now in my Halloween costume (I'm going as a "Dear Abby")! How'd you know?

    Okay, kidding, but not about appreciating them! Love, Carol

    P.S. Petey is one handsome boy.
    November 2015
  • Carool
    gonewest, I just read your wise, compassionate, reassuring and gently humorous response to Papa1234, and I had to post this comment. You are one caring human being. Hugs, Carol
    October 2015
  • Suehendogirl
    gonewest, thank you so much for your response. We will keep fighting the good fight. My husband had second treatment today. They almost didn't do it because his white blood counts were low. What is the name of the site you mentioned on bladder cancer? Thanks again, I can always count on someone on what next helping me. Sue
    October 2015
  • Suehendogirl
    gonewest, Hope you are still doing well. My husband has recently started treatment for Bladder cancer. I am very confused. One diagnosis says Malignant neoplasm of urethra, one says, Bladder cancer and one says Invasive carcinoma. We will talk to the doctor Tuesday so I will ask many questions. I do know that the tumor has invaded the muscular wall. The doctor also said it is a grade 3 very aggressive cancer. Not sure if it's stage 2 or 3 yet. He started aggressive chemo last Tuesday and will get 2 kinds of chemo once a month and the other chemo 3 times a month with one week off per month. He will most likely do 6 months of chemo. They are trying to shrink his tumor before removing the bladder and more or less rebuilding a new one. I just finished with all my surgeries and stuff in May for breast cancer but I had double mastectomy and didn't have to do chemo. Sorry this is so long. I am so confused about all of this. Thanks for your time in advance. Suehendogirl
    October 2015
  • Hellbent
    Gonewest, thank you for checking in us. My husband ended up having back to back surgeries due to complications with the liver resection. Still in hospital..close to a month now. Praying for healing.
    October 2015
  • Carool
    Hi, Chris! I want to wish you all the best with your lung biopsy. Please let us know how you're doing. Hugs from unseasonably chilly Brooklyn - Carol
    October 2015
  • Rolltidelynne
    Have a GREAT DAY:)))
    October 2015
  • Carool
    Hi, gonewest! How're you doing? Been thinking of you. Btw, I LOVED your post to Danielle, in which you said something like "We're all holding you close." What a loving and beautiful thing to say! Hugs, Carol
    September 2015
  • Carool
    gonewest, been thinking of you. How're you doing?
    July 2015
  • Carool
    Hi, GoneWest. Any news on your biopsy? Hugs -
    July 2015
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Gonewest, how are you doing? You mentioned you finished your trial at UCLA. I am so glad to hear that and hope the trial had good results. Sending hugs your way.
    July 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi lady! Glad to give anyone a laugh. This " pee " saying was mentioned on a Ovarian Cancer site I belong to and made total sense to me. Can certainly understand why it is great for you to pee today and everyday, so pee away. Wishing you continued better days.
    May 2015
  • puckett
    Thanks for the answer.. This is super new and learning as we go.. Palliative team wrote script for med marijuana but MN sure turned it down.. They are going to give him another drug but wanted to try the other marijuana first because this other one causes you to be tired.. He is already sleeping about half the day.
    April 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, the algorithm-- because I didn't want follow it, the clinic had the option of 'not giving me any care', which is different from 'denying care'. No law of any kind was broken. I had an oncologist, but I didn't have any future appointments with him, because I was "Non-compliant" and refused that algorithm. He listed that he counseled me and my family, etc. Even though I requested a different oncologist in writing and Email, the clinic didn't comply, until I exhausted everything but the legal steps of getting a lawyer, and having the lawyer file with state agencies, and a direct lawsuit.

    Can I paraphrase you and say?---"Algorithms stink"
    April 2015
  • geekling
    Hello Hollywood,, It seems we have gotten off on a wrong foot. Please understand that, although we may disagree 100%, different opinions are not an attack. When you accuse me of just having a book to sell, I do take it personally but I also realize you are under a lot of stress. I wish you no ill. I hope you get well very soon. Enough said?
    April 2015
  • Carool
    Hi, Gonewest! So, how are you doing since your first treatment recently? Hugs -
    April 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, it's nice to talk to someone that basically understand my culture and doesn't think that I'm too much of an idiot. Take care.
    April 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Gonewest, Thanks so much for those kind words!!! I’ve had 3 primary cancers and I deeply feel for all of the cancer survivors and I want to help even though I say stupid things probably often. But are you my neighbor in North Hollywood? I’m up in Beverly Glen Canyon not that far away.....HUGS!!!!!!
    January 2015
  • meyati
    When I go in, and they ask how I handle stress, I tell them that I kick walls, throw things, and go to the city shooting range to shoot. I think it gives a quick non-yappy thumbnail. That group which is not supposed to be yoga-but support made- some nasty remarks. The other cancer patients said they had .38 specials, 9 mm Glocks, etc. The look on their faces.

    What am I supposed to say, that I have the name of every reading radiologist, that I went in to their boss with my copies of their reports. That I told their boss that my scans were compromised-the reports said that- WHY? Who is responsible? This is not following the practice of good medicine, this is complete, this is a good call. How can any doctor trust your clinic with some of these reports. Naw, I'll tell them I kick walls. That's easier to understand.

    When I left, they made the remark that I would go shoot things up. I told their boss that if they don't like being in the Rocky Mountains, they should leave, and go Back East. I am not the only woman in this city that shoots.

    There is not any reason of me to make fun of or be snarky to Yoga, vegans, knitters, painters, shrinks, word search-I knit and paint. To me, I should be able to say the truth about myself without being disrespectful, rude, or gross. I told their boss that if facilitators make judgments about legal hobbies, race, lifestyles, religion, gender, weight, or politics, they will not get the truth about their clients. If they do not know the truth, they cannot help the clients. The boss, said, "uh you're correct."

    I was trying to leave with dignity, I had planned on riding the session out before I made a judgement about this group. I figured that I could sit back and smile-well, try to smile.
    January 2015
  • msmonkii
    Hello! You were on my mind this morning. Hope all is well!
    January 2015
  • meyati
    No it was a business conference, realtors.. Sounds like she was checking in. That's why I talked about group think-not wanting to rock the boat, scared that anything you say would make it worse.
    Socially, I'm a bull in a china closet, now an ancient one---I usually get picked on at cancer support groups, because I have a rare incurable face cancer. Excellent surgeon, so people think that it's genetics or I was in an accident.
    January 2015
  • BunnyBunz13
    I hope all is well.
    January 2015
    Thanks a lot dear :) love to you!
    December 2014
  • BunnyBunz13
    I hope all is well with you and wishing you a wonderful holiday
    December 2014
  • BunnyBunz13
    How are you doing?
    December 2014