

  • MaryTD777
    I just saw a note you sent me months ago. SO Sorry that I didn't see it sooner, but wanted to thank you all the same. My next scan is Thursday and 8/15 will be 3 years since the surgery that left me cancer FREE!! So I wanted to celebrate with you again :-) Thanks MUCH!!
    August 2014
  • susan4me
    Yea How would do that
    October 2013
  • susan4me
    I don't know if it went threw let me know if you got it or not whats next might not let me do it
    October 2013
  • susan4me
    October 2013
  • susan4me
    Well its time again Monday I go for my ct scan.I have to admit my stomach is turning but not as bad as it use to I think im ok.I just hope im right.I have taken my life back, I feel good,I am working as hard as I can and I feel strong.I actually have hair now where I can get a hair style,you cant imagine how great that feels,i was definitely sick of the bald look. I almost feel like myself again,not quite there but I am working on it.Hope you are doing good I miss talking to you. I need someone like me to talk to.It helps me a lot just knowing we made it. Hope your doing as good as me.Hope to talk to you soon.
    October 2013
  • susan4me
    well so far so good I hate to say that I do not want to jinx myself how are you doing I have not seen any activity from you I hope everything is ok
    September 2013
  • susan4me
    so far so good im back to work and getting back to a normal life i still have my scary days for instance i was having headaches and blurred vision so i convinced myself it had to be a brain tumor i was horified for a week until i went to the eye doctor and they told me i needed glasses wow what a close one i thought so i still have screwed up thoughts any little thing that happens i think the cancer is back its hard to get a grip when its always in the back of your mind otherwise i am enjoying life and i am so thankful to be alive and well its great so how are you doing it sounds like your doing good to yea
    May 2013
  • susan4me
    it seems like we are in the same situation i saw you where 1a i am 2a only because my tumor was so big but same as you nothing in lymp notes thank god its been four months for me congratulations seven years for you i hope i can say that someday but on that note i had the upper left lung removed just like you so i hope i can follow in your footsteps is there anything special you did to make it seven years let me know if there is i am still very nervous and my anxieties are very high worring that it is going to come back im still new at this thanks for responding hope to hear from you soon
    April 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi there Bronxboy. Thank you for the update. Thats good to hear.
    I really hope we can get more attention and funding for lung cancer reserch. WE ARE SO CLOSE. I hope we all make it.
    March 2013
  • CAS1
    Thanks for wishing me good luck for my scan last week. It went well I am 7 months out from surgery and I am still NED. I walk a tight rope. I hope I make it.
    February 2013